Driver Catalog Data (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Catalog files (.pbcxml files) containing data about a BSP should be placed in a subdirectory named 'Catalog' below the root of the BSP’s source code.

For example, Catalog information about the CEPC BSP is in the _WINCEROOT\platform\cepc\Catalog\cepc.pbcxml file. BSPs are described by 'Bsp' elements, while drivers or features of the BSP are described by 'Item' elements.

For information about BSP Catalog data, see BSP Catalog Data.

'Item' elements typically contain the following information.

Name Description

Id attribute


Specifies an identifier that uniquely identifies the Catalog item within the Catalog. Identifiers can be any unique string, but the recommended format is:

Item:<vendor name>:<Item name>:<BSP name>

For example, the Id attribute of a sample Microsoft-supplied driver for the CEPC BSP can be created as Item:MS:ToasterDriver:cepc.



Specifies a friendly title for the Catalog item, which is displayed in the Catalog.



Specifies a description for the Catalog item.



Specifies an estimate, in bytes, of the amount of space that the Catalog item typically adds to a run-time image (.bin) file. This is used to estimate the size of an OS design before it is built.



When set to TRUE, the size of the Catalog item changes depending on the CPU for which it is built. By default, SizeIsScaled is set to TRUE.

For example, when the BSP is a CEPC, the value specified in the Size element is assumed to have been measured on an x86 CPU. When SizeIsScaled is set to TRUE, this value is multiplied by an approximate scaling factor, based on the typical change in sizes between x86 source code and code compiled for the CPU in the current platform configuration.



Specifies a file to open or a web site to visit when you request Help for the Catalog item.



If the Catalog item is part of a BSP, this must be set to BspSpecific.



Specifies the Sysgen variable that is specific to the Catalog item and which must be set to perform a Sysgen on the Catalog item.

Do not use to specify dependencies. For example, display drivers should not set SysgenVariable to SYSGEN_DISPLAY because SYSGEN_DISPLAY is not specific to the display driver.


Zero or more.

Specifies any non-Sysgen variables that are specific to the Catalog item, and which you must set to include the Catalog item in the run-time image.

For example, BSP environment variables are specified using this element.


Zero or more.

When not set, the Catalog item can be built for any CPU type.

When set, the Catalog item can only be built for the specified CPU type(s).


Zero or more.

Specifies the names of the files that the Catalog item contains.

When specified, the Catalog Items View shows the Catalog item as Excluded from Image if any of the files are not included in the run-time image by the .bib files.

Otherwise, if all the files are included in the run-time image by the .bib files, the Catalog item is shown as Brought In by Dependency.



By default, this is set to FALSE.

If set to TRUE, the Catalog Items View uses radio buttons instead of check boxes to denote the Catalog item and all other items in the same location.

Setting this option only affects the display of the Catalog items, and does not affect dependency resolution. The dependency logic for the Catalog item must still be implemented by the normal mechanism, Cesysgen.bat.


One or more.

Specifies one or more backslash-delimited locations where the Catalog item must appear in the Catalog Items View.

See Also


Device Driver and BSP Updater

Other Resources