NMAKE Errors U1000 through U4011 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This section lists NMAKE errors.

Error Description

NMAKE Fatal Error U1000

Indicates that a left parenthesis, "(", appeared without a matching right parenthesis, ")", in a macro invocation.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1001

Indicates that the given character appears in a macro but is not a letter, number, or underscore.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1002

Indicates that a single dollar sign appears without an associated macro name.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1003

Indicates that a macro invocation contains a colon (:), which begins a substitution, but does not contain an equal sign (=).

NMAKE Fatal Error U1004

Indicates that a macro name is missing.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1005

Indicates that a string substitution was specified for a macro, but the string to be changed in the macro was not specified.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1006

Indicates that an opening double quotation mark (") appeared without a closing double quotation mark (").

NMAKE Fatal Error U1007

Indicates that the specified target name or filename contained a double quotation mark (").

NMAKE Fatal Error U1017

Indicates that the specified directive is not one of the recognized directives.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1018

Indicates that the directive was incompletely specified, or the expression part of the directive is required.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1019

Indicates that the limit on nesting of !IF directives was exceeded.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1020

Indicates that an expected directive was missing.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1021

Indicates that an !ELSE directive was found that was not preceded by an !IF directive, or the directive was placed in a syntactically incorrect place.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1022

Indicates that a terminal character is missing for string/program invocation.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1023

Indicates that an expression is invalid.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1024

Indicates that an unrecognized command switch was specified.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1025

Indicates that an !ENDIF directive was found that was not preceded by an !IF directive, or the directive was placed in a syntactically incorrect place.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1031

Indicates that an !INCLUDE directive was found, but the name of the file to be included was missing or a macro representing the filename expanded to nothing.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1033

Indicates that the string is not part of the valid syntax for a makefile.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1034

Indicates that the colon (:) that separates targets and dependents is missing.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1035

Indicates that either a colon (:) or an equal sign (=) was expected.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1036

Indicates that only one string is allowed to the left of a macro definition.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1037

Indicates that a colon (:) was found before a target name was found.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1038

Indicates an internal error.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1039

Indicates an internal error.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1040

Indicates an internal error.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1041

Indicates an internal error.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1042

Indicates an internal error.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1043

Indicates an internal error.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1045

Indicates that a program or command called by NMAKE failed for the given reason.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1047

Indicates that the parentheses following the preprocessing operator DEFINED or EXIST either were empty or contained an argument that evaluated to a null string.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1048

Indicates that NMAKE could not write to the given file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1049

Indicates that an inline file or a macro exceeded the limit of 64K.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1050

Indicates that the message specified with the !ERROR directive was displayed.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1051

Indicates that NMAKE ran out of memory, including virtual memory, because the makefile was too large or complex.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1052

Indicates that NMAKE could not find the file specified.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1053

Indicates that the file is unreadable.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1054

Indicates that NMAKE failed to create the given inline file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1055

Indicates that the operating system ran out of room for environment variables.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1056

Indicates that the command processor was not in the path specified in the COMSPEC or PATH environment variables.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1057

Indicates that NMAKE failed to delete the temporary inline file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1058

Indicates that NMAKE was halted by CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1059

Indicates that a search path for a dependent was incorrectly specified. Either a space existed in the path or the closing brace (}) was omitted.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1060

Indicates that NMAKE encountered an error while closing a file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1061

Indicates that the /F command-line option must be followed by a makefile name or a hyphen (which represents standard input).

NMAKE Fatal Error U1062

Indicates that the /X command-line option requires the name of the file to contain diagnostic error output or a hyphen to indicate standard output.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1063

Indicates that a macro definition on the NMAKE command line contained an equal sign (=) without a preceding name.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1064

Indicates that the NMAKE command line did not specify a makefile or a target, and the current directory did not contain a file named MAKEFILE.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1065

Indicates that the option is not valid for NMAKE.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1069

Indicates that there is no file that matches the given filename, which was specified using one or more wildcards (* and ?).

NMAKE Fatal Error U1070

Indicates that the given macro definition contained a macro whose definition contained the given macro. Circular macro definitions are invalid.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1071

Indicates that a circular dependency exists in the dependency tree for the given target. The given target is a dependent of one of the dependents of the given target. Circular dependencies are invalid.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1072

Indicates that the given file includes a file that eventually includes the given file. Inclusions (using the !INCLUDE preprocessing directive) cannot be circular.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1073

Indicates that the specified target does not exist, and there is no command to execute or inference rule to apply.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1076

Indicates that a string exceeded its limit.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1077

Indicates that the given command or program called by NMAKE failed and returned the given exit code.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1078

Indicates that the given expression contained a constant that exceeded the range –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1079

Indicates that an expression tried to divide by zero.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1080

Indicates that the expression incorrectly used an operator or operand.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1081

Indicates that NMAKE could not find the given program in order to run it.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1082

Indicates that there is not enough memory to execute the given command.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1083

Indicates that the given target is an invocation of a macro that has not been defined or has a null value. NMAKE cannot process a null target.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1084

Indicates that NMAKE was unable to create the temporary file it needs when it processes the makefile.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1085

Indicates that a target and a pair of inference-rule extensions were specified on the same line.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1086

Indicates that the inference rule cannot have dependents.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1087

Indicates that a target cannot be specified in both a single-colon (:) and a double-colon (::) dependency.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1088

Indicates that an inference rule must be followed by a single colon (:).

NMAKE Fatal Error U1089

Indicates that dot directives cannot be followed by commands.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1090

Indicates that dot directives cannot be followed by dependents.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1092

Indicates that an inference rule cannot specify more than two extensions.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1093

Indicates that multiple dot directives cannot be specified on one line.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1094

Indicates that something other than KEEP or NOKEEP appeared after the closing set of angle brackets (<<) specifying an inline file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1095

Indicates that after macro expansion, the given command line exceeded the limit on length of command lines for the operating system.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1096

Indicates that NMAKE could not create the given inline file.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1097

Indicates that the current dependency does not have either an explicit dependent or an implicit dependent.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1098

Indicates that the given string does not contain valid filename-parts syntax.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1099

Indicates that the makefile being processed was too complex for the current stack allocation in NMAKE.

NMAKE Fatal Error U1100

Indicates that the command block of a batch-mode rule directly or indirectly references a special file macro that is not $<.

NMAKE Fatal Error U2001

Indicates that NMAKE could not find a free file handle.

NMAKE Warning U4001

Indicates that a command file, which is invoked by the at sign (@) specifier, cannot contain a specification for another command file.

NMAKE Warning U4002

Indicates that the given predefined macro was redefined.

NMAKE Warning U4004

Indicates that more than one description block was specified for the given target using single colons (:) as separators.

NMAKE Warning U4005

Indicates that the given rule contained a suffix that is not specified in the .SUFFIXES list.

NMAKE Warning U4006

Indicates that the given special macro name is undefined and expands to nothing.

NMAKE Warning U4007

Indicates that the base name of the given file has more than eight characters, or the extension has more than three characters.

NMAKE Warning U4008

Indicates that NMAKE was interrupted while trying to build the given target, and the target file was incomplete.

NMAKE Warning U4010

Indicates that a command in the commands block for the given target returned a nonzero exit code.

NMAKE Warning U4011

Indicates that a dependent of the given target either did not exist or was out-of-date, and a command for updating the dependent returned a nonzero exit code.

See Also

Other Resources

Error Messages