New Breakpoint Dialog Box: Data Tab (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Use this tab to configure debugger handling of breakpoints and elements you want to observe in source code.

  • Enter the expression to be evaluated
    Use to enter a variable or expression that determines whether the debugger stops at the breakpoint. The expression can be a Boolean expression, which evaluates to true or false, or a non-Boolean expression, such as a+b/c:

    • If you specify a Boolean expression, the execution stops at the breakpoint if the condition evaluates to true.
    • If you specify a non-Boolean expression, execution stops if the value of the expression has changed since the last time the breakpoint was passed.

    Expression breakpoints require additional information. To enter this information, click the menu button at the right of this field to select Advanced; then enter the information in the New Breakpoint Dialog Box: Advanced Breakpoint Dialog Box.

  • Enter the number of elements to watch in an array or structure
    Type the number of elements you want to monitor.

    If you specified a dereferenced pointer, such as *lptr, in the box above, use this field to enter the length (in bytes) of the memory addressed by the pointer. The length must be a positive number.

  • OK
    Processes your input and moves to the next step.
  • Cancel
    Closes the dialog box without saving changes you made.

See Also


New Breakpoint Dialog Box