Collecting Debug Messages in an Unlimited Buffer with CeLogFlush (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


You can configure CeLog to collect debug messages in an unlimited fashion. The data is limited only by the storage capacity of the device file system.

The following instructions use shortcut files to make it as convenient as possible to work with a device that does not have a connection to a development workstation. It is also possible to set up the same behavior by other means. When using other means, enable the CELZONE_DEBUG zone, and view the data using the Readlog tool.

To collect debug messages with an unlimited buffer

  1. Make a file named FLUSH.lnk with these contents:

    83#\Windows\celogflush.exe -buf 0x100000 -time 60000 -n \celog.clg -z 0x00800000 -ui 1

    This command line sequence overrides the registry settings on the target device.

For more information about creating a .lnk shortcut, see Creating a Shortcut File.

  1. Copy CeLog.dll and CeLogFlush.exe into the \Windows directory of the target device.

  2. Copy the .lnk file you created in step 1 into the same directory as the Start menu.

  3. From the Start menu, choose FLUSH in the start menu.

    This loads CeLog.dll, sets the log buffer size, and starts recording debug messages. CeLogFlush.exe flushes data from the memory buffer to the file celog.clg once per minute, or more often if the 1MB buffer fills.

  4. Perform the actions you want to collect debug messages for.

  5. After you finish collecting messages, wait one minute to allow CeLogFlush.exe time to flush the data, and then copy celog.clg to a storage location off the device.

  6. To view the data you collected, type

    Readlog celog.clg output.txt
  7. From a text editor, open output.txt.

You also have the option of collecting messages in a limited-size, time-specific buffer. For more information, see Collecting Debug Messages in a Limited Buffer with OSCapture.

See Also


Collecting Data On A Standalone Device With CeLogFlush


CeLogFlush Command-Line Overrides

Other Resources

Readlog Viewing Tool