IMiniSH Interface (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This interface contains methods and properties that provide basic access to symbol information stored by the compiler in program databases. The interface methods map symbol names or line numbers to addresses, and vice versa.

For full access to symbol information, you can use the Microsoft Debug Interface Access (DIA). For more information, see Debug Interface Access SDK.

The methods provided by this interface handle only symbol names that represent global and static variables and names of routines.


This interface does not provide information that requires type information, such as locations of structure members, or thread context such as locations of stack variables.

The following table shows the methods provided in this interface.

Method Description


Gets the absolute address corresponding to a line in a source file.


Gets the absolute address of a symbol.


Gets the nearest line in a source file corresponding to an absolute address in a module.


Gets the nearest line in a source file corresponding to an offset in a module.


Gets the name of the symbol with the highest starting address that is less than or equal to a given absolute address.


Gets the name of the symbol with the highest starting offset that is less than or equal to a given offset from a module.


Gets the offset from the beginning of a module corresponding to a line in a source file.


Gets the offset of a symbol from the beginning of a module.


Gets the currently set path where symbol files can be found.


Sets the path where symbol files can be found.


Header MiniSH.h
Library ole32.lib, oleaut32.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also


eXDI Reference