XIPCHAIN_ENTRY (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure defines an execute-in-place (XIP) region that can be used by the kernel.


typedef struct _XIPCHAIN_ENTRY {
  LPVOID pvAddr;
  DWORD dwLength;
  DWORD dwMaxLength;
  USHORT usOrder;
  USHORT usFlags;
  DWORD dwVersion;
  DWORD dwAlgoFlags;
  DWORD dwKeyLen;
  BYTE byPublicKey[596];


  • pvAddr
    Address of the XIP region.
  • dwLength
    Specifies the size of the XIP region.
  • dwMaxLength
    Specifies the maximum size of the XIP region.
  • usOrder
    Order of the entries to be used when ROMChain_t is filled in by the OEM.
  • usFlags
    Flag or status of the XIP region. The following are possible values. Either one or both can be specified.

    • ROMXIP_OK_TO_LOAD loads the XIP region.
    • ROMXIP_IS_SIGNED indicates that the XIP regions are signed.
  • dwVersion
    Specifies the version number of the region.
  • szName
    Name of the XIP region, which is typically the .bin file name without the .bin suffix. Maximum length is XIP_NAMELEN characters.
  • dwAlgoFlags
    Specifies the algorithm for signature verification.
  • dwKeyLen
    Specifies the length of the byPublicKey key.
  • byPublicKey
    Public key data that verifies the XIP region.


The pvAddr value plus (ROM_CHAIN_OFFSET + 4) is assigned to the pTOC member of ROMHDR, which is then sent to the kernel.


Header romldr.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later

See Also


Kernel Structures


XIP Chain