SOAP Samples (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The sample applications included in Windows Embedded CE cover the basics of how to use the SOAP Toolkit for Windows Embedded CE.

These basic sample applications let you create, execute, and see how to send and receive SOAP messages. They also make it easier to develop web services.

Windows Embedded CE-based Target Device Samples

To use these samples, you must include the following in your OS design because the samples require some of the functionality in these Catalog items:

  • DCOM
  • Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
  • Active Template Library for Windows Embedded CE (ATL).

SOAP does not necessarily require DCOM, MFC, and ATL. It depends on your applications.

You can find the following sample applications in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\SDK\Samples\SOAP directory.

Each sample subdirectory contains a project file you can use to build the sample applications for many board support packages (BSPs):

  • The Calc application is a simple calculator that can add, multiply, divide, and subtract numbers. It illustrates the most basic use of the toolkit. The service takes parameters of simple data types and returns a value of a simple data type.
    The samples include a client and a server application. You can find the samples in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\SDK\Samples\SOAP\Calc.
    The Calc\Client\RPC subdirectory contains the low-level API samples and the Calc\Client\SRSZ subdirectory contains high-level API samples. The server applications in Calc\Service subdirectory follow the same naming scheme.
    For more information about the WSDL and WSML files used by the Calc application, see About the Calc.wsdl File and About the Calc.wsml File.
  • The DataType application illustrates the passing of each data type supported by the toolkit between a client and a service.
    You can find the samples in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\SDK\Samples\SOAP\Datatype.
  • The Fault application illustrates how faults can be generated on the server and passed back to the client.
    You can find the samples in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\SDK\Samples\SOAP\Fault.
  • The MultiClient is a client application that uses information from a WSDL document to send requests to a service.
    You can find the samples in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\SDK\Samples\SOAP\Mclient.

To register COM components, you can use the regsvr32 application, which is in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\DCOM\SDK\Samples\Regsvr directory.

Development Computer Samples

Windows Embedded CE includes the CEWSDLGen and WSDLStb_CE utilities, which generate WSDL files and integrate SOAP Toolkit Web services with Platform Builder. These utilities run on the development computer; their WSDL file output is used on the target device.


The CEWSDLGen utility is a graphical user interface application that reduces the amount of work you must do to add a SOAP Toolkit Web service to an OS design. It uses eMbedded Visual C++ .rgs files, and generates WSDL files and files to integrate Web services with Platform Builder. The application generates a .cec file that you can use to add your Web service to the Platform Builder Catalog; it also generates all the necessary intermediate project files, like .bib, .reg, .dat, .db, .pbxml, projsysgen.bat (to pull in operating system dependencies), sources, makefile, prelink.bat, and postlink.bat.

After running CEWSDLGen, add the generated .cec file to the Catalog, add this Catalog item to your OS design, and build. When you download and execute the run-time image, the Web service is registered and activated without any additional configuration.

Source files and a compiled binary file for this tool are available at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\SDK\Samples\SOAP\WSDLGen.


The WSDLStb_CE.exe utility is a command-line application that generates WSDL files. This application is available at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Bin\I386\WSDLStb_CE.exe. For more information about this application, run it using the -? command-line parameter.

See Also


SOAP Application Development

Other Resources

SOAP Toolkit