IP Phone Suite Provisioning API (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following provisioning APIs are exposed through the PhCommon component (phcommon.dll). OEMs can incorporate these APIs into custom provisioning applications.


Configures VoIP settings according to the specified XML data.


            HRESULT PHProcessProvisionXML(
 const WCHAR*  pInputBuffer,
       WCHAR** ppOutputBuffer


  • pInputBuffer
    The input XML buffer containing the provision data. It can also be used to specify a XML file name. See "Remarks" for more information.
  • ppOutputBuffer
    (Optional) Pointer to the output XML buffer. The caller of this function is responsible for cleanup of the output buffer referenced by this parameter. Memory is allocated in the implementation by means of the new [] operator. Thus, the caller must use the delete [] <varname> statement to free the output buffer.

Ee501545.collapse(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gifReturn Value

Returns the standard HRESULT values. S_OK indicates success. The following table shows additional error codes that may be returned.

Value Description


There are multiple operations on the same setting(s) in the XML file


One of the settings is invalid


The pInputBuffer parameter can contain explicit provisioning information (a string or pointer to a string containing the provisioning data), or it can contain the pathname of a provisioning XML file.

The ppOutputBuffer parameter is optional. Set this parameter to NULL when an output value is not required.


1. String containing explicit provisioning information:

PHProcessProvisionXML("<voip-provision><set name='VoicemailNumber' value='5555551212' /></voip-provision>", NULL);

2. Pathname of provisioning XML file:

PHProcessProvisionXML("file:\\\Windows\provisioning.xml", NULL);

3. Input parameter contains a <query> operation. The result of the query is returned in the string pointed to by ppQueryResult:

PHProcessProvisionXML("<voip-provision><query name='VoicemailSettings'/></voip-provision>",ppQueryResult);


Header phoneapi.hpp
Library PhCommon.dll
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0


This function performs run time validation of the specified XML provisioning data.


            HRESULT PHValidateProvisionXML(
  const WCHAR*   pInputBuffer


  • pInputBuffer
    The input XML buffer containing the provision data. It can also be used to specify a XML file name.

Ee501545.collapse(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gifReturn Value

Returns the standard HRESULT values. S_OK indicates success and valid input XML. The following table shows additional error codes that may be returned.

Value Description


There are multiple operations on the same setting(s) in the XML file


One of the settings is invalid


The pInputBuffer parameter can contain explicit provisioning information (a string or pointer to a string containing the provisioning data), or it can contain the pathname of a provisioning XML file. For example:


1. String containing explicit provisioning information.

PHValidateProvisionXML("<voip-provision><set name='VoicemailNumber' value='5555551212' /></voip-provision>");

2. Pathname of provisioning XML file.



Header phoneapi.hpp
Library PhCommon.dll
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0

See Also


IP Phone Suite Provisioning
IP Phone Suite Provisioning Examples