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This structure contains information about a link collection in a top-level collection's link collection array.

typedef struct _HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE {  USAGE LinkUsage;  USAGE LinkUsagePage;  USHORT Parent;  USHORT NumberOfChildren;  USHORT NextSibling;  USHORT FirstChild;  ULONG CollectionType: 8;  ULONG IsAlias: 1;  ULONG Reserved: 23;  PVOID UserContext;} HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE, * PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE;


  • LinkUsage
    Usage identifier of a top-level collection.
  • LinkUsagePage
    Usage page of the collection.
  • Parent
    Index of the collection's parent collection. If the collection has no parent, Parent is zero.
  • NumberOfChildren
    Number of child collections that the collection contains.
  • NextSibling
    Index of the collection's immediate sibling. If the collection has no sibling, NextSibling is zero.
  • FirstChild
    Index of the collection's first child collection. If the collection has no children, FirstChild is zero.
  • CollectionType
    Type of collection item.
  • IsAlias
    Aliased indicator. If TRUE, that this collection is an aliased collection. If FALSE, the collection is not aliased.
  • Reserved
    Reserved for internal system use.
  • UserContext
    Pointer to application-specific information.


The HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes function returns a top-level collection's link collection array. The indexes specified in a link collection node are indexes in the collection's link collection array.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Hidpi.h.

See Also


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