WSPDATA (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure is used to store information about Windows sockets and is called by WSAStartup.

typedef struct WSPData {
  WORD wVersion;  WORD wHighVersion;  WCHAR szDescription[WSPDESCRIPTION_LEN+1];} WSPDATA, FAR * LPWSPDATA;


  • wVersion
    Version of the Windows Sockets SPI specification that the Windows Sockets service provider expects the caller to use.
  • wHighVersion
    Highest version of the Windows Sockets SPI specification that this service provider can support (also encoded as above). Typically this will be the same as wVersion.
  • szDescription
    Null-terminated Unicode string into which the Windows Sockets provider copies a description of itself. The text (up to 256 characters in length) can contain any characters except control and formatting characters: the most likely use to which an SPI client will put this is to display it (possibly truncated) in a status message.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ws2spi.h.

See Also

Winsock SPI Structures

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