IFEDictionary::GetHeader (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method obtains the dictionary header from a dictionary file.

HRESULT IFEDictionary::GetHeader(CHAR* pchFileName,IMESHF* pShf,IMEFMT* pjfmt,ULONG* pdicat);


  • pchFileName
    [in] Pointer to the path to the dictionary file.

  • pShf
    [out] Pointer to an IMESHF structure that receives the header information of the dictionary.

  • pjfmt
    [out] Pointer to an IMEFMT variable that receives information about the dictionary format.

    The following table shows the valid dictionary formats.

    IME type Description
    IFED_UNKNOWN Dictionary type is unknown.
    IFED_PIME2_BIN_USER Dictionary is user type.
    IFED_PIME2_BIN_SYSTEM Dictionary is compact type.
    IFED_PIME2_BIN_STANDARD_SYSTEM Dictionary is standard type.
  • pdicat
    [out] Pointer to a ULONG variable that receives information about the type of the dictionary.

    The following table shows the valid dictionary types.

    Dictionary type Description
    dicatNone Dictionary type undefined.
    dicatGeneral General dictionary.

Return Values

The following table shows the Return Values for this method.

Return value Description
S_OK Dictionary header successfully obtained.
IFED_E_INVALID_FORMAT Invalid file format.
E_FAIL An unexpected error has occurred.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Msime.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also


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