As a query, the OID_WW_CDPD_CS_CALLBACK OID requests the miniport driver to return the current configuration information of the callback feature for circuit-switched CDPD.

As a set, this OID requests the miniport driver to set the current configuration of the callback feature for circuit-switched CDPD to the stated values.

In either case, this request uses a WW_CDPD_CS_CALLBACK structure, defined as follows:

    typedef struct _WW_CDPD_CS_CALLBACK {
         UINT Enabled;
         NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC Number;

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • Enabled
    Specifies one of the following:

    Value Meaning


    Callback capability is disabled.


    Callback capability is enabled.


    Unknown. If this value is specified for a set, the miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA.


  • Number
    Describes a buffer that contains the dial code that the circuit-switched CDPD network uses to call back the NIC. This dial code is encoded per circuit-switched CDPD implementation guidelines The maximum length of the dial code is 20 bytes.

The Numbermember is of type NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC, which was defined previously. The buffer contains a network-ordered sequence of binary byte values.

Indications are irrelevant for this OID.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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