The OID_WW_GEN_RSSI OID requests an underlying miniport driver to return information that specifies the strength of the signal in decibels (dB) that the miniport driver's NIC receives. This OID requests the raw signal strength versus the normalized value that OID_WW_GEN_CHANNEL_QUALITY returns. Protocols and applications can retrieve this raw signal strength information to assist in technical debugging purposes. This OID is defined as OPTIONAL.

This request uses a WW_RECEIVE_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_INDICATOR structure, defined as follows:

OUT        INT iDecibels;
OUT        INT iFactor;

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • iDecibels
    Decibel (dB) value for the raw signal strength measurement.

  • iFactor
    Power to base 10 for the raw signal strength measurement.

If iDecibels is 3 dB and iFactor is 2, the strength of the received signal is

3 * (10^2) = 300 dB.

Sets and indications are irrelevant for this OID.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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