Extract entity strings from an Outlook item

This article describes how to create a Display entities Outlook add-in that extracts string instances of supported well-known entities in the subject and body of the selected Outlook item. This item can be an appointment, email message, or meeting request, response, or cancellation.


Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins will be retired in Q2 of 2024. The work to retire this feature will start in May and continue until the end of June. After June, contextual add-ins will no longer be able to detect entities in mail items to perform tasks on them. The following APIs will also be retired.

To help minimize potential disruptions, the following will still be supported after entity-based contextual add-ins are retired.

  • An alternative implementation of the Join button, which is activated by online meeting add-ins, is being developed. Once support for entity-based contextual add-ins ends, online meeting add-ins will automatically transition to the alternative implementation to activate the Join button. During the transition to this implementation, the Join button may not be visible when using an online meeting add-in. As a workaround, you must select the meeting link from the body of the meeting invitation to join the meeting directly.
  • Regular expression rules will continue to be supported after entity-based contextual add-ins are retired. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Use regular expression activation rules to show an Outlook add-in.

For more information, see Retirement of entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins.

The supported entities include:

  • Address: A United States postal address, that has at least a subset of the elements of a street number, street name, city, state, and zip code.

  • Contact: A person's contact information, in the context of other entities such as an address or business name.

  • Email address: An SMTP email address.

  • Meeting suggestion: A meeting suggestion, such as a reference to an event. Note that only messages but not appointments support extracting meeting suggestions.

  • Phone number: A North American phone number.

  • Task suggestion: A task suggestion, typically expressed in an actionable phrase.

  • URL

Most of these entities rely on natural language recognition, which is based on machine learning of large amounts of data. This recognition is nondeterministic and sometimes depends on the context in the Outlook item.

Outlook activates the entities add-in whenever the user selects an appointment, email message, or meeting request, response, or cancellation for viewing. During initialization, the sample entities add-in reads all instances of the supported entities from the current item.

The add-in provides buttons for the user to choose a type of entity. When the user selects an entity, the add-in displays instances of the selected entity in the add-in pane. The following sections list the XML manifest, and HTML and JavaScript files of the entities add-in, and highlight the code that supports the respective entity extraction.

XML manifest


The Outlook add-in feature described in this article uses activation rules, which aren't supported in add-ins that use the unified manifest for Microsoft 365.

The entities add-in has two activation rules joined by a logical OR operation.

<!-- Activate the add-in if the current item in Outlook is an email or appointment item. -->
<Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message"/>
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Appointment"/>

These rules specify that Outlook should activate this add-in when the currently selected item in the Reading Pane or read inspector is an appointment or message (including an email message, or meeting request, response, or cancellation).

The following is the manifest of the entities add-in. It uses version 1.1 of the schema for Office Add-ins manifests.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OfficeApp xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/appforoffice/1.1" 
  <DisplayName DefaultValue="Display entities"/>
  <Description DefaultValue=
     "Display known entities on the selected item."/>
    <Host Name="Mailbox" />
    <Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.1">
      <Set Name="Mailbox" />
    <Form xsi:type="ItemRead">
        <!-- Change the following line to specify the web -->
        <!-- server where the HTML file is hosted. -->
        <SourceLocation DefaultValue=
  <!-- Activate the add-in if the current item in Outlook is -->
  <!-- an email or appointment item. -->
  <Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message"/>
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Appointment"/>

HTML implementation

The HTML file of the entities add-in specifies buttons for the user to select each type of entity, and another button to clear displayed instances of an entity. It includes a JavaScript file, default_entities.js, which is described in the next section under JavaScript implementation. The JavaScript file includes the event handlers for each of the buttons.

Note that all Outlook add-ins must include office.js. The HTML file that follows includes version 1.1 of office.js on the content delivery network (CDN).

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" >
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="default_entities.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="MicrosoftAjax.js"></script>
    <!-- Use the CDN reference to Office.js. -->
    <script src="https://appsforoffice.microsoft.com/lib/1/hosted/Office.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript"  src="default_entities.js"></script>

    <div id="container">
        <div id="button">
        <input type="button" value="clear" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Addresses" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Contact Information" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Email Addresses" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Meeting Suggestions" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Phone Numbers" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Task Suggestions" 
        <input type="button" value="Get URLs" 
        <div id="entities_box"></div>

Style sheet

The entities add-in uses an optional CSS file, default_entities.css, to specify the layout of the output. The following is a listing of the CSS file.

    color: #FFFFFF;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    font-family: Arial, Sans-serif;
    scrollbar-base-color: #FFFFFF;
    scrollbar-arrow-color: #ABABAB; 
    scrollbar-lightshadow-color: #ABABAB; 
    scrollbar-highlight-color: #ABABAB; 
    scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FFFFFF; 
    scrollbar-track-color: #FFFFFF;
    background: #4E9258;
    color: #000000;
    padding: 5px;
    color: #FFFF00;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 2px;
    overflow: auto;
div#container td
    border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    padding: 0px 5px 0px 0px;
    border-right: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;

JavaScript implementation

The remaining sections describe how this sample (default_entities.js file) extracts well-known entities from the subject and body of the message or appointment that the user is viewing.

Extracting entities upon initialization

Upon the Office.initialize event, the entities add-in calls the getEntities method of the current item. The getEntities method returns the global variable _MyEntities an array of instances of supported entities. The following is the related JavaScript code.

// Global variables
let _Item;
let _MyEntities;

// The initialize function is required for all add-ins.
Office.initialize = function () {
    const _mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;
    // Obtains the current item.
    _Item = _mailbox.item;
    // Reads all instances of supported entities from the subject 
    // and body of the current item.
    _MyEntities = _Item.getEntities();
    // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready method.
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.

Extracting addresses

When the user clicks the Get Addresses button, the myGetAddresses event handler obtains an array of addresses from the addresses property of the _MyEntities object, if any address was extracted. Each extracted address is stored as a string in the array. myGetAddresses forms a local HTML string in htmlText to display the list of extracted addresses. The following is the related JavaScript code.

// Gets instances of the Address entity on the item.
function myGetAddresses()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of postal addresses. Each address is a string.
    const addressesArray = _MyEntities.addresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < addressesArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Address : <span>" + addressesArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

Extracting contact information

When the user clicks the Get Contact Information button, the myGetContacts event handler obtains an array of contacts together with their information from the contacts property of the _MyEntities object, if any was extracted. Each extracted contact is stored as a Contact object in the array. myGetContacts obtains further data about each contact. Note that the context determines whether Outlook can extract a contact from an item—a signature at the end of an email message, or at least some of the following information would have to exist in the vicinity of the contact.

  • The string representing the contact's name from the Contact.personName property.

  • The string representing the company name associated with the contact from the Contact.businessName property.

  • The array of telephone numbers associated with the contact from the Contact.phoneNumbers property. Each telephone number is represented by a PhoneNumber object.

  • For each PhoneNumber member in the telephone numbers array, the string representing the telephone number from the PhoneNumber.phoneString property.

  • The array of URLs associated with the contact from the Contact.urls property. Each URL is represented as a string in an array member.

  • The array of email addresses associated with the contact from the Contact.emailAddresses property. Each email address is represented as a string in an array member.

  • The array of postal addresses associated with the contact from the Contact.addresses property. Each postal address is represented as a string in an array member.

myGetContacts forms a local HTML string in htmlText to display the data for each contact. The following is the related JavaScript code.

// Gets instances of the Contact entity on the item.
function myGetContacts()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of contacts and their information.
    const contactsArray = _MyEntities.contacts;
    for (let i = 0; i < contactsArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the name of the person. The name is a string.
        htmlText += "Name : <span>" + contactsArray[i].personName +

        // Gets the company name associated with the contact.
        htmlText += "Business : <span>" + 
        contactsArray[i].businessName + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of phone numbers associated with the 
        // contact. Each phone number is represented by a 
        // PhoneNumber object.
        let phoneNumbersArray = contactsArray[i].phoneNumbers;
        for (let j = 0; j < phoneNumbersArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "PhoneString : <span>" + 
                phoneNumbersArray[j].phoneString + "</span><br/>";
            htmlText += "OriginalPhoneString : <span>" + 
                phoneNumbersArray[j].originalPhoneString +

        // Gets the URLs associated with the contact.
        let urlsArray = contactsArray[i].urls;
        for (let j = 0; j < urlsArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Url : <span>" + urlsArray[j] + 

        // Gets the email addresses of the contact.
        let emailAddressesArray = contactsArray[i].emailAddresses;
        for (let j = 0; j < emailAddressesArray.length; j++)
           htmlText += "E-mail Address : <span>" + 
               emailAddressesArray[j] + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets postal addresses of the contact.
        let addressesArray = contactsArray[i].addresses;
        for (let j = 0; j < addressesArray.length; j++)
          htmlText += "Address : <span>" + addressesArray[j] + 

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

Extracting email addresses

When the user clicks the Get Email Addresses button, the myGetEmailAddresses event handler obtains an array of SMTP email addresses from the emailAddresses property of the _MyEntities object, if any was extracted. Each extracted email address is stored as a string in the array. myGetEmailAddresses forms a local HTML string in htmlText to display the list of extracted email addresses. The following is the related JavaScript code.

// Gets instances of the EmailAddress entity on the item.
function myGetEmailAddresses() {
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of email addresses. Each email address is a 
    // string.
    const emailAddressesArray = _MyEntities.emailAddresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < emailAddressesArray.length; i++) {
        htmlText += "E-mail Address : <span>" + emailAddressesArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

Extracting meeting suggestions

When the user clicks the Get Meeting Suggestions button, the myGetMeetingSuggestions event handler obtains an array of meeting suggestions from the meetingSuggestions property of the _MyEntities object, if any was extracted.


Only messages but not appointments support the MeetingSuggestion entity type.

Each extracted meeting suggestion is stored as a MeetingSuggestion object in the array. myGetMeetingSuggestions obtains further data about each meeting suggestion:

myGetMeetingSuggestions forms a local HTML string in htmlText to display the data for each of the meeting suggestions. The following is the related JavaScript code.

// Gets instances of the MeetingSuggestion entity on the 
// message item.
function myGetMeetingSuggestions() {
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of MeetingSuggestion objects, each array 
    // element containing an instance of a meeting suggestion 
    // entity from the current item.
    const meetingsArray = _MyEntities.meetingSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a meeting suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < meetingsArray.length; i++) {
        // Gets the string that was identified as a meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "MeetingString : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].meetingString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of attendees for that instance of a 
        // meeting suggestion. Each attendee is represented 
        // by an EmailUser object.
        let attendeesArray = meetingsArray[i].attendees;
        for (let j = 0; j < attendeesArray.length; j++) {
            htmlText += "Attendee : ( ";

            // Gets the displayName property of the attendee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].displayName + "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each attendee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the attendee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].emailAddress + "</span>";

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        // Gets the location of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Location : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].location + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the subject of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Subject : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].subject + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the start time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Start time : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].start + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the end time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "End time : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].end + "</span><br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

Extracting phone numbers

When the user clicks the Get Phone Numbers button, the myGetPhoneNumbers event handler obtains an array of phone numbers from the phoneNumbers property of the _MyEntities object, if any was extracted. Each extracted phone number is stored as a PhoneNumber object in the array. myGetPhoneNumbers obtains further data about each phone number:

myGetPhoneNumbers forms a local HTML string in htmlText to display the data for each of the phone numbers. The following is the related JavaScript code.

// Gets instances of the phone number entity on the item.
function myGetPhoneNumbers()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of phone numbers. 
    // Each phone number is a PhoneNumber object.
    const phoneNumbersArray = _MyEntities.phoneNumbers;
    for (let i = 0; i < phoneNumbersArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Phone Number : ( ";
        // Gets the type of phone number, for example, home, office.
        htmlText += "type = <span>" + phoneNumbersArray[i].type + 
           "</span> , ";

        // Gets the actual phone number represented by a string.
        htmlText += "phone string = <span>" + 
            phoneNumbersArray[i].phoneString + "</span> , ";

        // Gets the original text that was identified in the item 
        // as a phone number. 
        htmlText += "original phone string = <span>" + 
            phoneNumbersArray[i].originalPhoneString + "</span>";

        htmlText += " )<br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

Extracting task suggestions

When the user clicks the Get Task Suggestions button, the myGetTaskSuggestions event handler obtains an array of task suggestions from the taskSuggestions property of the _MyEntities object, if any was extracted. Each extracted task suggestion is stored as a TaskSuggestion object in the array. myGetTaskSuggestions obtains further data about each task suggestion:

myGetTaskSuggestions forms a local HTML string in htmlText to display the data for each task suggestion. The following is the related JavaScript code.

// Gets instances of the task suggestion entity on the item.
function myGetTaskSuggestions()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of TaskSuggestion objects, each array element 
    // containing an instance of a task suggestion entity from 
    // the current item.
    const tasksArray = _MyEntities.taskSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a task suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < tasksArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the string that was identified as a task suggestion.
        htmlText += "TaskString : <span>" + 
           tasksArray[i].taskString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of assignees for that instance of a task 
        // suggestion. Each assignee is represented by an 
        // EmailUser object.
        let assigneesArray = tasksArray[i].assignees;
        for (let j = 0; j < assigneesArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Assignee : ( ";
            // Gets the displayName property of the assignee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].displayName + 
               "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each assignee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the assignee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].emailAddress + 

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

Extracting URLs

When the user clicks the Get URLs button, the myGetUrls event handler obtains an array of URLs from the urls property of the _MyEntities object, if any was extracted. Each extracted URL is stored as a string in the array. myGetUrls forms a local HTML string in htmlText to display the list of extracted URLs.

// Gets instances of the URL entity on the item.
function myGetUrls()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of URLs. Each URL is a string.
    const urlArray = _MyEntities.urls;
    for (let i = 0; i < urlArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Url : <span>" + urlArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

Clearing displayed entity strings

Lastly, the entities add-in specifies a myClearEntitiesBox event handler which clears any displayed strings. The following is the related code.

// Clears the div with id="entities_box".
function myClearEntitiesBox()
    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = "";

JavaScript listing

The following is the complete listing of the JavaScript implementation.

// Global variables
let _Item;
let _MyEntities;

// Initializes the add-in.
Office.initialize = function () {
    const _mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;
    // Obtains the current item.
    _Item = _mailbox.item;
    // Reads all instances of supported entities from the subject 
    // and body of the current item.
    _MyEntities = _Item.getEntities();

    // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready method.
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.

// Clears the div with id="entities_box".
function myClearEntitiesBox()
    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = "";

// Gets instances of the Address entity on the item.
function myGetAddresses()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of postal addresses. Each address is a string.
    const addressesArray = _MyEntities.addresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < addressesArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Address : <span>" + addressesArray[i] + 

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the EmailAddress entity on the item.
function myGetEmailAddresses()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of email addresses. Each email address is a 
    // string.
    const emailAddressesArray = _MyEntities.emailAddresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < emailAddressesArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "E-mail Address : <span>" + 
            emailAddressesArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the MeetingSuggestion entity on the 
// message item.
function myGetMeetingSuggestions()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of MeetingSuggestion objects, each array 
    // element containing an instance of a meeting suggestion 
    // entity from the current item.
    const meetingsArray = _MyEntities.meetingSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a meeting suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < meetingsArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the string that was identified as a meeting 
        // suggestion.
        htmlText += "MeetingString : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].meetingString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of attendees for that instance of a 
        // meeting suggestion.
        // Each attendee is represented by an EmailUser object.
        let attendeesArray = meetingsArray[i].attendees;
        for (let j = 0; j < attendeesArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Attendee : ( ";
            // Gets the displayName property of the attendee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].displayName + 
                "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each attendee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the attendee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].emailAddress + 

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        // Gets the location of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Location : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].location + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the subject of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Subject : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].subject + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the start time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Start time : <span>" + 
           meetingsArray[i].start + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the end time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "End time : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].end + "</span><br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the phone number entity on the item.
function myGetPhoneNumbers()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of phone numbers. 
    // Each phone number is a PhoneNumber object.
    const phoneNumbersArray = _MyEntities.phoneNumbers;
    for (let i = 0; i < phoneNumbersArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Phone Number : ( ";
        // Gets the type of phone number, for example, home, office.
        htmlText += "type = <span>" + phoneNumbersArray[i].type + 
            "</span> , ";

        // Gets the actual phone number represented by a string.
        htmlText += "phone string = <span>" + 
            phoneNumbersArray[i].phoneString + "</span> , ";

        // Gets the original text that was identified in the item 
        // as a phone number. 
        htmlText += "original phone string = <span>" + 
           phoneNumbersArray[i].originalPhoneString + "</span>";

        htmlText += " )<br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the task suggestion entity on the item.
function myGetTaskSuggestions()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of TaskSuggestion objects, each array element 
    // containing an instance of a task suggestion entity from the 
    // current item.
    const tasksArray = _MyEntities.taskSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a task suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < tasksArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the string that was identified as a task suggestion.
        htmlText += "TaskString : <span>" + 
            tasksArray[i].taskString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of assignees for that instance of a task 
        // suggestion. Each assignee is represented by an 
        // EmailUser object.
        let assigneesArray = tasksArray[i].assignees;
        for (let j = 0; j < assigneesArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Assignee : ( ";
            // Gets the displayName property of the assignee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].displayName + 
                "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each assignee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the assignee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].emailAddress + 

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the URL entity on the item.
function myGetUrls()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of URLs. Each URL is a string.
    const urlArray = _MyEntities.urls;
    for (let i = 0; i < urlArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Url : <span>" + urlArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

See also