Silicon Valley Code Camp–October 11th & 12th

First off, I know I haven’t posted in a while but I have an excuse (sorta) – I got married and had a wonderfully long honeymoon mountain biking through the sierras! I am back (relaxed and refreshed) and am looking forward to the Fall (and the A’s postseason hopefully extending a bit ;-)) Silicon Valley Code Camp

I will be speaking at Silicon Valley Code Camp again this year. This is a HUGE code camp that is totally FREE. It also covers a ton of different technologies, not just Microsoft, so if you have any interest in programming or the computer industry at large, you have no excuse but to register.

I have two sessions focused on Office and SharePoint development – hope to see you there!

Building Apps with the Office 365 API Client Libraries (3:30 PM Saturday Oct 11th)

Office 365 provides REST-based APIs that enable developers to access Office resources such as calendar, contacts, mail, files, and more. Using the new .NET and JavaScript client libraries and tools for Visual Studio provides easy access to these Office 365 APIs. In this talk, Beth will show you how to use the Office 365 API client tools for Visual Studio to build on a variety of applications and platforms from traditional Windows desktop to Android and iOS using Xamarin.

Developing Office 365 Cloud Business Apps with Visual Studio (5:00 PM Saturday Oct 11th)

Office 365 is an ideal business app platform providing a core set of services expected in today’s business apps like collaboration, presence and integrated workflows, and a central location for installing, discovering and managing the apps. Office 365 makes these business apps available where users already spend their time – in SharePoint & Office. Visual Studio streamlines the way developers build modern business applications for Office 365 and SharePoint 2013 with the Office 365 Cloud Business App project. In this demo-heavy session, you will see the latest enhancements we’ve made that allow developers to build connected, touch-centric, cross-platform, HTML5-based business applications for Office 365.



  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2014
    Sorry about the A's.