XNA Game Studio 2.0 Released

I just got an email about XNA Game Studio 2.0 being released this morning and thought I'd share since XNA includes parts of the .NET Compact Framework.

XNA Game Studio is a product from Microsoft that allows you to create games for Windows and the Xbox 360 using C#. We’ve seen a tremendous amount of great games from our community and recently several games were awarded publishing contracts based on the games that our customers produced in an ongoing contest called Dream Build Play.


In XNA Game Studio 2.0 some of the key features we’ve added are:

· Networking Support over Xbox 360 and Windows using LIVE.

o https://blogs.msdn.com/xna/archive/2007/11/16/xna-framework-networking-and-live-requirements.aspx

· XNA Game Studio now supports all versions of Visual Studio 2005 (v1 was C# Express only)

· Improved Xbox 360 Integration and Management Experience

o https://blogs.msdn.com/xna/archive/2007/12/03/xna-game-studio-and-the-fall-dashboard-update.aspx

o https://blogs.msdn.com/xna/archive/2007/11/19/hello-xna-game-studio-connect.aspx

· Art and sound content can be processed through XNA Game Studio with parameters.


You can find the official announcement on our team blog at: https://blogs.msdn.com/xna/archive/2007/12/13/xna-game-studio-2-0-released.aspx  


XNA Game Studio 2.0 can be downloaded from: https://creators.xna.com/Education/GettingStarted.aspx


