MSN Search Supports RSS

Its begun to spread around the blogosphere that MSN has added support for RSS to a couple more of its web offerings. Yesterday on the MSN Search weblog, Brady announced that there are now RSS Feeds for Search Results on the MSN Search beta site. The URL below returns an RSS feed containing the first 20 items for a search for 'rss bandit'.

Looking at the results returned using Rex Swain's HTTP Viewer it seems the results don't return the Last-Modified or ETag HTTP headers. This means every time the aggregator queries the feed it'll get an XML document downloaded even if nothing has changed in the search results since the last time the query was sent. So as not to waste bandwidth on the client side I'll probably specify that the MSN Search feeds should only be fetched once a day. One surprising thing is that sponsored links don't show up in the search results. I'd have expected that they would given that they are often relevant to the search as well.

This is totally cool feature. The MSN Search folks are doing good things.
