David Gristwood’s Bio

I have been asked by the powers that be to update my biography, and supply some new photos. As I always loose this sort of thing, I thought I’d post it here, where I can find it again, and point people to it:


Ever since David programmed his first ‘10 ? “hello world” : goto 10‘ program on a PET computer in the late 70s he has been hooked, and has worked with computers ever since. During his career, David has secured a Distinction in Computing Science, worked as a freelance computer journalist, visiting lecturer, director of a software company, as well has having designed and developed a wide range of software, from warehouse to finance systems.

For the last 15 years David has worked at Microsoft, firstly in its fledgling consultant service section, then in EMEA as a technical evangelist (yes that was the official job title). Since Microsoft’s launch of .NET, he has been focused on the .NET platform, helping design and build a wide range of systems, from smart clients to web applications, and more recently, cloud computing with the Windows Azure platform. He also runs and delivers regular technical briefings around the Microsoft platform, and has been involved with Teched Europe for the last 11 years.

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