Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework - Table of Contents and Index

When a post series gets as long as Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework (nine parts), it can be difficult to find exactly the portion you need.  To help solve this problem, I've created this table of contents as an addendum to the series.

Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework table of contents

Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part I - Enabling performance counters
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part II - Version 1 performance counters
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part III - Version 2 performance counters (Part I: Loader counters)
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part IV - Version 2 performance counters (Part II: Generics counters)
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part V - Version 2 performance counters (Part III: Locks and Threads counters)
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part VI - Version 2 performance counters (Part IV: Garbage Collector counters)
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part VII - Version 2 performance counters (Part V: JIT Compiler counters)
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part VIII - Version 2 performance counters (Part VI: Exceptions, Interop and Networking counters)
Monitoring Application Performance on the .NET Compact Framework Part IX - Version 2 performance counters (Part VII: Windows.Forms counters)

Sometimes an index is more useful than a table of contents.  The following tables list the performance counters available in the .NET Compact Framework (versions 1 and 2) and a link to the post in which each is discussed.

.NET Compact Framework version 1 performance counter index

Counter Part
Execution Engine Startup Time 2
Total Program Run Time 2
Peak Bytes Allocated 2
Number Of Objects Allocated 2
Bytes Allocated 2
Number Of Simple Collections 2
Bytes Collected By Simple Collection 2
Bytes In Use After Simple Collection 2
Time In Simple Collect 2
Number Of Compact Collections 2
Bytes Collected By Compact Collection 2
Bytes In Use After Compact Collection 2
Time In Compact Collection 2
Number Of Full Collections 2
Bytes Collected By Full Collection 2
Bytes In Use After Full Collection 2
Time In Full Collection 2
Number Of Application Induced Collections 2
Total Bytes In Use After Collection 2
Bytes Jitted 2
Native Bytes Jitted 2
Number Of Methods Jitted 2
Bytes Pitched 2
Number Of Methods Pitched 2
Number Of Exceptions 2
Number Of Calls 2
Number Of Virtual Calls 2
Number Of Virtual Call Cache Hits 2
Number Of PInvoke Calls 2

.NET Compact Framework version 2 performance counter index

Counter Part
Total Program Run Time (ms) 3
App Domains Created 3
App Domains Unloaded 3
Assemblies Loaded 3
Classes Loaded 3
Methods Loaded 3
Closed Types Loaded 4
Closed Types Loaded 4
Closed Types Loaded per Definition 4
Open Types Loaded 4
Closed Methods Loaded 4
Closed Methods Loaded per Definition 4
Open Methods Loaded 4
Closed Types Loaded per Definition 4
Open Types Loaded 4
Closed Methods Loaded 4
Closed Methods Loaded per Definition 4
Open Methods Loaded 4
Threads in Thread Pool 5
Pending Timers 5
Scheduled Timers 5
Timers Delayed by Thread Pool Limit 5
Work Items Queued 5
Uncontested Monitor.Enter Calls 5
Contested Monitor.Enter Calls 5
Peak Bytes Allocated (native + managed) 6
Managed Objects Allocated 6
Managed Bytes Allocated 6
Managed String Objects Allocated 6
Bytes of String Objects Allocated 6
Garbage Collections (GC) 6
Bytes Collected By GC 6
Managed Bytes In Use After GC 6
Total Bytes In Use After GC 6
GC Compactions 6
Code Pitchings 6
Calls to GC.Collect 6
GC Latency Time (ms) 6
Pinned Objects 6
Objects Moved by Compactor 6
Objects Not Moved by Compactor 6
Objects Finalized 6
Boxed Value Types 6
Process Heap 6
Short Term Heap 6
JIT Heap 6
App Domain Heap 6
GC Heap 6
Native Bytes Jitted 7
Methods Jitted 7
Bytes Pitched 7
Methods Pitched 7
Method Pitch Latency Time (ms) 7
Exceptions Thrown 8
Platform Invoke Calls 8
COM Calls Using a vtable 8
COM Calls Using IDispatch 8
Complex Marshaling 8
Runtime Callable Wrappers 8
Socket Bytes Sent 8
Socket Bytes Received 8
Controls Created 9
Brushes Created 9
Pens Created 9
Bitmaps Created 9
Regions Created 9
Fonts Created 9
Graphics Created (FromImage) 9
Graphics Created (CreateGraphics) 9

I (and possibly others on the .NET Compact Framework team) plan to link to this post whenever I discuss performance tuning of applications.

-- DK

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2006
    Posted by: Sue Loh
    What use is a tool if you don't know it's there?  One of the problems we have...

  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2006
    Service Pack 1 of the .Net Compact Framework version 2 (Beta available in a few days on MSDN) includes...

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2006
    Steven Pratschner recently posted about one of the coolest new features of the Service Pack 1 beta for...

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2006
    Hace ya algún tiempo mencioné en este mismo blog que con la llegada del Path SP1 para CF 2.0 ívamos...

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2006
    Posted by: Sue Loh What use is a tool if you don't know it's there? One of the problems we have is getting

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2007
    I love tools.  Debuggers , analyzers, performance monitors, profilers, everything.  In version

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2007
    I love tools.  Debuggers , analyzers, performance monitors, profilers, everything.  In version

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2007
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2007
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2009
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2009
    Un petit post pour vous faire part d’un mini-tutoriel sur comment analyser les performances d’une application