Exchange Management Shell Help Feedback

As you know we're working on Exchange 14, the next version of Exchange Server. As part of that work we're taking a look at how we write content for all of the features of Exchange. I'm working on defining the guidelines for how we write the content for the Exchange Management Shell - what overview and procedural topics need to be written to what content we put into the individual cmdlet topics and how its displayed to you.

I'm really interested in what you think of the Exchange Management Shell help in Exchange Server 2007. What do you like about it? What do you, well, hate? Is it how it's displayed? Or are we missing something important that would make your life easier if we'd included it? Or did you discover something that just made things 'click' for you?

I want to know about it. Put together a wish list or list of things you love (or both!) and send them to me. I'll be taking your feedback and seeing how it can help us to improve the E14 product documentation. Some things will be easier to do and some will likely be harder so I can't promise everything you send to me can be addressed. But I will take everything you say seriously and work to align the shell help to meet your expectations.

The best way to send your feedback to me is to click on the Email link on the left side of this site. Or you can copy this URL into your address bar: Please pass this blog post on to your colleagues and ask them to send their feedback too. The more the better.



PS. Don't forget to send feedback on individual topics in the Exchange Server 2007 documentation library located here: Click on the "Click to Rate and Give Feedback" link in the top right corner of the page. Every comment and rating you submit with that tool gets submitted directly into a database that we continually monitor. That link is the best way to get attention on topics that need work or to send kudos on topics you especially like.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    My blogroll keeps growing and growing! While reading one of my favorite Exchange related sites, Pro-Exchange