“Going live” with Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2

We are pleased to declare Beta 2 of Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4 a “go live” release (read more about it on Soma’s blog). This means that Beta 2 has met high standards of quality for pre-release software, and we are licensing it for developing and deploying production applications.

We hope that you will consider using Beta 2 for “go live” production purposes. As you use Beta 2, we want to hear from you at our Connect site if you find any bugs.

In order to decide whether or not using Beta 2 in a “go live” scenario is right for you, you should carefully understand the terms and limitations of the “go live” license. Start by reading the license terms for Beta 2, which includes the official “go live” licensing terms.

The following guidelines should also help you understand the ways in which we are committed to helping you have a great experience with Beta 2.

  • We are committed to providing a smooth upgrade path from Beta 2 to the final release (“RTM”) of Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4. For Team Foundation Server, this means moving data from Team Foundation Server 2008 to Team Foundation Server 2010 Beta 2 and then eventually to Team Foundation Server 2010 RTM. Most importantly this means source code, work items, tests, builds and the warehouse.
  • We give you permission to use Beta 2 to create applications using runtimes which are “go live.” For example, the .NET Framework 4 is “go live” for beta2 and you can create applications both for internal use and external use. See the license terms for more details, including pre-release notifications and other details for distribution.
  • Our Support team is staffed to help support Beta 2 if you encounter problems. If you plan to use Beta 2 for “go live” please send email to vsgolive@microsoft.com so that we can register you for beta level support.
  • Another option for requesting assistance is to visit MSDN Forums. The MSDN Forums are frequented by Microsoft MVP’s and members of the product group, and are a great place to search for issues submitted by others which might match problems you encounter.
  • You should take adequate measures to back up and protect your data prior to upgrading to Beta 2. You should also have an ongoing data backup and protection plan in place during your use of Beta 2.

Thank you again for your ongoing commitment to Visual Studio and the .NET Framework. With your assistance and ongoing feedback we can ship the best release ever!


  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2009
    Can we do parallel having TFS 2008 (old project) and TFS 2010 (new project) and do we have ability to move 2008 projects to 2010 in the future project by project.  Thanks...

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2009
    Will visual studio 2010 works normally with team foundation server 2008 ?

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2009
    @Max, I'm not sure what you mean by "in parallel" - you can't have TFS 2008 and TFS 2010 on the same machine, but your clients can connect to both servers. You can upgrade TFS 2008 projects straight to beta 2, or at RTM. There is a setup configuration wizard for this. @Haitham, Yes. See http://blogs.msdn.com/teams_wit_tools/archive/2009/10/19/compatibility-matrix-for-2010-beta-2-team-foundation-server-to-team-explorer-2008-and-2005.aspx

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2009
    i see in msdn the download link is disabled

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2009
    Anirudha  - Make sure you're using your correct MSDN Live ID to log in to the MSDN download center.  If you don't have the right permissions, you can see but not download the files.

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2009
    The weakest VS.NET beta so far, it crashes anytime I create a project.

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2009
    Paul - I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with the beta release.  Please post a report via http://connect.microsoft.com/visualstudio so we can help you.  Given the positive feedback we've recevied to date, your experience is not typical. I'm hoping we can address your issue quickly so you can continue evaluating this release.

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2009
    Michael - I'm sorry to hear you're having problems getting VS to start up.  I'm in contact with the dev team to see how we can best help you.  In the meantime, would you mind contacting me via email (jeff.beehler at microsoft.com) so we have your contact information?

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2009
    Where is the best place to leave comments about VS 2010?  I'll put it here, but if there is a better place, please let me know. I don't like the close button on the tabs.  I don't like it in Firefox, but at least there I can move it back to the right side.  You can middle click to close, that is good enough for me.  It seems to me like it is just taking up unnecessary space.  I think there should be an option to change it back to the way it was done in VS2008.  Maybe there is, and I'm just missing it.  If that is the case, where is it?  If not, is it possible to get this option into the final version?

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2009
    Bryan - The best place to leave feedback is on http://connect.microsoft.com/visualstudio.  Bugs and suggestions filed there wind up in our internal instance of TFS that we use to track our work prior to release.   I'll send along your feedback about the close button on the tabs to the team that works in that area.  It really does seem to be a matter of personal preference based on what I've heard from customers. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2009
    Thanks. It looks like I'm not alone with my preference. I see others that have posted this suggestion that page. Thanks for the link.

  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2009
    I had VS Studio 2010 Beta 1 installed up until now and it worked perfectly, no bugs till this point. I uninstalled it yesterday and installed Beta 2 (Clean install). The install goes fine, but every time I run the program it crashes, if I open a new project it crashes, no matter what I do the program crashes. This was the Ultimate edition, I then downloaded the Premium edition and no change either. It still keeps crashing. So, I decided to try it out on another computer. Still CRASHES. I know since it was just released, there is no official support for the bugs yet. I've re installed VS studio 2010 Beta 1 and it works just fine.

  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2009
    Jerob - I'm sorry to hear you're having troubles with Beta2.  I'd like to have someone on our team help you.  Are you able to report the issue on http://connect.microsoft.com/visualstudio so that we can follow up with you?  

  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2009
    We've been using various incarnations of .NET 4.0 since an early CTP release. For each of those early releases, we used a dedicated machine that was wiped and reinstalled for each LCTP drop -- there were very specific warnings about not trying to uninstall these. With Beta 2, it appears to uninstall cleanly, so we're moving it to production machines. For those of you having issues, if you had an earlier release installed that may be the cause of the instability. Try Beta 2 on a fresh machine. It even works fine next to VS 2003/2005/2008 pro versions. From what I've seen, this beta 2 release is in very good shape technically, and we're planning nightly builds against beta 2 until the final version is RTMed, then we'll be ready for launch in March.

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2009
    Dear Jeff, we are currently experiencing 2-3 blocking issues on BETA 2 that are really time consuming for us trying to use this new release. I think that it's very important for both us and MS to have them fixed with an hotfix before RTM if possible, since it is really slowing down the adoption of this development environment. One of the most important is this one: 499882 -- it prevents to use many 3rd party controls, and this is a must for us since we need to use many features that stadnard controls does not have. I just send an email to vsgolive in order to understand how to apply, because on MS Connect they said that doing like that we can also request for a possible hotfix instead of waiting RTM. Thank you for any help you can give on the same! Cheers, Adriano

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2009
    Adriano - I'm sorry to hear that you've encountered a blocking issue.  I see that you've sent mail to vsgolive requesting an Access ID.  Once you have that, then you'll be able to contact customer support to pursue a possible fix for this problem.   You should be hearing back on your request later today.

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2009
    Excellent! Thank you Jeff, Adriano

  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2009
    Where can I get this?   Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs 10.0

  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2009
    I am very pleased with the direction of VS 2010.  At the moment I have had very few problems other than Beta 2 being a little sluggish at times.  There is a WPF project I had created in VS2008 that will crash when I open any designer and a few crashes in unrelated projects from time to time.  Other than that and silver-light not being on windows mobile yet its just great =)

  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2009
    Brant - thanks for your feedback.  We are working on a number of performance fixes to address various reports of sluggishness. If there are specific performance issues please help us out by reporting them.  Also, I'm very interested in getting to the bottom of the crashes you're seeing.  Please provide us with any specifics on http://connect.microsoft.com/visualstudio. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    December 11, 2009
    Hi Jay, You can download the VB PowerPacks 10.0 here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=78c87edb-c272-4a20-bf2a-f6c4b10313e5#tm This is also installed into your toolbox automatically if you install Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and will show up as a redist in your deployment prerequisites (Publish tab of the project properties). HTH, -Beth

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2009
    Hi, I want everyone in my group to be alerted anytime their name is selected in the Assigned To or Owner field but only to alert the selected user and not the whole group. It seems as though I need to set up a new alert for each scenario for each user? Is there any feature to handle this in TFS 2008 or TFS 2010.

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2009
    R Mishra, You should be able to use the Alerts Editor power tool (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/teamsystem/bb980963.aspx#alert) and create one subscription per user in his group by substituting the comparison string (“Sunder Raman”) and email address (“sunder.raman @ microsoft.com”) shown in screenshot appropriately. The only caveat is that the person creating this would own the subscription and so if that account gets deleted from the system the subscriptions won’t get generated anymore. Hope that helps, Jeff

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2009
    Could you provide a link for the "Official go live license terms"?  Or a place where we can find this info?

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2009
    Ivan - you can read the license terms for Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 when you install the product or from your hard drive (look for license.txt).   Jeff

  • Anonymous
    January 06, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2010
    I am currently running a testing environment that I would like to install TFS 2010 Beta 2. I have a 3 GB SQL Server (not much, but its all that I need for testing purposes). Here are the databases that I plan to create: TFS_Configuration TFS_Warehouse TFS_ProjectCollection01 TFS_ProjectCollection02 TFS_ProjectCollection03 ReportServer ReportServerTempDB How should I divide up the 3 GB among these databases?

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 25, 2010
    Yes you are correct, in the Beta 2 release code generation from the UML Class Diagram was very difficult.   The good news is that we are working on a code generation extension to the product that will make this task much easier.  The current plan is to have the functionality available through a Power Tool sometime after the final release of Visual Studio 2010.   Thanks, Jeff

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2010
    Hi Can you please explain the difference between Ultimate, Premium, and Professional versions of VS2010 Beta 2? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2010
    Adrian - Read this site and let me know if you need additional information: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010/default.mspx. thanks! jeff

  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2010
    If we setup TFS 2010 Beta 2, will we be able to upgrade to the final release and keep our data, work-items etc.?

  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2010
    Nick - Yes, we support upgrading your data from Beta2 or RC to the final version of TFS 2010. Jeff

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2010
    I am confused. The article at top promises a "smooth upgrade path from Beta 2 to the final release". However, when I read the "TFS 2010 Beta2 to RC Upgrade Guide (v1.01)" for the Production Upgrade Path, it says I have to uninstall TFS2010 Beta 2. I have a lot of work in the configuration of our Beta 2 installation and don't want to have to redo all of this. Is the uninstall required only for RC and RTM will offer an upgrade path without uninstall? Or, with the uninstall, is all of the configuration left in the registry and in SQL Server so that it works like an upgade when the wizard is run? Thanks, Matt

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2010
    for me it seems worse than that! i tried but can't uninstall b2 to a point where rc will go ahead and install.... ...Arghhh!!!