Nick King - Senior Product Manager - Core Infrastructure SMB

SBS migration guidelines, training tools and checklist

Recently I received the feedback that we needed a better way of representing all of the tasks during...

Date: 06/26/2009

CRM Addin for EBS by Akvelon

Own Microsoft CRM and EBS?  Looking for a way to manage multiple CRM orgs, or handle day to day...

Date: 06/01/2009

EBS Technet Demo Videos

Here’s some demos on Demo Showcase that you should check out.  There setup, post setup config...

Date: 05/28/2009

Microsoft Learning Announces courseware

Microsoft Learning today announced on their born to learn blog the SBS 2008 and EBS 2008 official...

Date: 05/27/2009

Core IO university EBS Readiness and Interview

You might recall a few weeks ago I talked about how EBS leverages the Core Infrastructure...

Date: 05/26/2009

Using Internet Sharing on Windows Mobile 6.1

As you’ve probably guessed I spend a lot of time traveling meeting partners, customers, and...

Date: 05/21/2009

EBS interview at TECHED USA 09

Eric, and Chuck were in LA this week talking about Windows Essential Business Server 2008. Check out...

Date: 05/18/2009

Window 7 Beta and Windows Live Messenger

Something that had been annoying my while I’ve been on Win7 was that messenger had an abnormal...

Date: 05/16/2009

Reviewers Guides Refreshed

Many of you received these through the partner program or MVP program, but as we clean house for...

Date: 05/15/2009

Migrating from SBS 2000 to SBS 2008

Last week we released a Community supported document on how to migrate from SBS 2000 to SBS...

Date: 05/13/2009

Core Infrastructure Optimization and EBS

Many of you may be familiar with the concept of a capability and maturity model.  EBS is...

Date: 05/12/2009

Server Quest v2.0

Ok this is definitely a little dorky but it kept me occupied for a good 20 minutes. Server Quest...

Date: 05/01/2009

EBS team Presence at TechED USA

The EBS engineering team are going to be at TechED USA this year.  They just blogged about...

Date: 04/30/2009

SBS Exchange Repair Documentation Live Today

More announcements from the SBS documentation team today. How to repair Exchange...

Date: 04/25/2009

Chris RUE is touring America talking EBS

Chris Rue, Essential Business Server MVP, says he’ll be joining the MS Learning crew as they travel...

Date: 04/25/2009

Snack of SBS and EBS

Check out our SBS and EBS snack. A short introduction to SBS and EBS....

Date: 04/24/2009

David F talks about training, P&P tool and more

Date: 04/23/2009

Office SharePoint Designer Free download

Wanting to customize your SharePoint sites?  Office SharePoint Designer is now free to...

Date: 04/22/2009

New content for SBS on TECHNET

Two more documents live last week!  First up how to deploy ISA 2006 with SBS 2008.  For...

Date: 04/20/2009

Free e-Learning online now

This week we announced the release of the course Collection 6955AE: What’s New in Microsoft ®...

Date: 04/17/2009

EBS Administrators Companion hits the printers!

Some of you may have noticed a recent announcement from Microsoft Learning about the release of the...

Date: 04/17/2009

Windows Small Business Server 2008 – Admin companion free download April 15-22

MSL is about to do something to support all you SBS’ers out there. ...

Date: 04/15/2009

EBS webcast tonight with Chris Rue

Tonight Chris Rue will be delivering a webcast to the EBSUserGroup titled “Using System Center...

Date: 04/14/2009

UK trip – Research and Meeting with the SBSC

This week I’ve been over in the UK, meeting with SMB customers and partners for researching future...

Date: 04/13/2009

SBS 2008, Installation, migration and configuration – David Overton

Many of you might know of David Overton AKA UKSBS guy.  Well he’s been busy writing a book...

Date: 04/09/2009

Wanting to test your exchange connection? Meet Exchange Remote Connectivity analyzer

Have an Exchange environment that you want to test?  Check out the Remote Connectivity...

Date: 04/06/2009

Crystal Ball Gazing – Microsoft 2019

Every so often the research teams put together a vision for the future to showcase just where...

Date: 04/04/2009

Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Beta

This one snuck past my radar :)  Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Beta is the downloadable Hypervisor...

Date: 04/02/2009

Enter Windows Server 2008 Foundation

Today we entered a new product into market for small businesses and those customers that only have a...

Date: 04/01/2009

How to Convert Live Meetings into a Movie

As you know here at Microsoft we run a lot of Live Meetings.  Now should you also use Live...

Date: 03/31/2009

Running WSS on Windows Web Server 2008

Ever wanted a way to give anonymous access to information using a technology like SharePoint?...

Date: 03/30/2009

Microsoft SMB study

Yesterday we released a report that investigated what are the trends in SMB IT.  The crux of...

Date: 03/26/2009

Windows Mobile + SBS & EBS Partner Training

Two fresh courses came out yesterday, both focusing around Windows Mobile and SBS and EBS. They...

Date: 03/25/2009

Partner webcasts get expanded

This week Canada added a series on both SBS and EBS covering deep dive technical training. These are...

Date: 03/17/2009

SBS Repair documentation now complete

A big day here today at the SBS headquarters – the repair documentation for SBS is now...

Date: 03/16/2009

All of Office opened in 0.5 Seconds

Caught this tonight and it’s too good not to share.  Techo’s at Samsung mount 24 SSD drives to...

Date: 03/12/2009

5w/50 upcoming events

You might remember last year we contributed to the 5w/50 series. This year we also have a number of...

Date: 03/11/2009

SBS MVP corner – TechNet

You may have noticed over the last few months that technet is looking very different.  As...

Date: 03/10/2009

SQL Server Add-in for EBS - Download

Check out the EBS SQL Server add-in now available for download on

Date: 03/09/2009

Mac Vs. PC

It’s been a while since I used the coolness tag.  Check out this video below!

Date: 02/03/2009

Breaking down Borders – Tbot Translator

Meet TBOT – a translating robot that is part of Windows Live.  Over the last few weeks I’ve...

Date: 01/30/2009

SBS Repair documentation grows today

Not that you should need it, but…. SBS repair documentation grew today with several new editions to...

Date: 01/29/2009

SCVMM: Virtualization Service needs attention

Over the last few weeks I’ve been testing some scenarios and generally looking at System Center...

Date: 01/28/2009

Sun announces a virtualized EBS SKU on a SINGLE server

Recently Sun announced a virtualized EBS SKU that resides on a single server.  What’s even more...

Date: 01/27/2009

Photosynth and the Inauguration

Miss the Inauguration last week?  Check out these ‘Synth’s’ created using Live Labs...

Date: 01/26/2009
