Everything you need to know about PerformancePoint Services 2010

It’s been quite a while since the PerformancePoint Blog has been updated. We’ve taken a look at what we’ve done with the blog so far, and what we’d like to do going forward. Starting with this month, May 2011, you will be able to expect a new, stronger heartbeat of content being published.

Each month, one of our Product team Program Managers will take the reigns of the blog and guide you through a particular topic. We’ll also be adding a few posts each month to our sister blog The Excel Blog, and we’ll make sure they work together to give compelling content to get the most out of Microsoft’s Business Intelligence products.

I am proud to kick off May with the first of many monthly themes to come. This month is all about getting to know our business intelligence capabilities again. On the PerformancePoint Services blog, I’ll be focusing on what PerformancePoint is, how PerformancePoint Services has changed since PerformancePoint Server and how you can put it to work for your business. On the Excel blog, we’ll take a look at, Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts,  Power Pivot and using Excel Services with SharePoint in dashboard scenarios.

One important aspect of this new focus on blogging is that we really want to communicate with our customers. We’ll be publishing new content each week, and hope that you use blog comments and Twitter to ask questions, provide feedback and engage with our team.

At Microsoft we are always planning what’s next. Your feedback and conversation is vital to molding that vision. Through the blog, we’ll help you understand our products better, get a better understanding of what you’d like to see us do with our products, and hopefully help you solve an issue or two along the way.

My name is Jason Burns and I am proud to be the first Program Manager to take over the blog and deliver great content to you. I’ve been on the PerformancePoint product team for about four years. Dashboards, KPIs and Scorecards in particular are my specialty, but I am well versed in all aspects of the product.

I’ll be focusing on re-introducing you to PerformancePoint and helping you understand it’s features, capabilities and the scenarios that it provides real value to. At the end of the month I’ll wrap up what we’ve discussed, provide links to resources to get to know the topics further, and then hand the blog over to Kevin Donovan to tell you everything you need to know about Office 2010 Service Pack 1’s impact on PerformancePoint.

Thank you for reading,

Jason Burns

Contact via Twitter @ @officebi


  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2011
    I have no idea what a "stronger hearbeat of content means'. I hope that this style of writing is not what we have to look forward to.

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2011
    I am really pleased to see this blog active again.  One of the key things I am interested in is the development path for PerformancePoint and how it will interact with other members of the Microsoft BI stack (the very promising Project Crescent for example) in the future.

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2011
    Great idea. Looking forward to follow along.

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2011
    Wow, I was getting really worried there and thought that this blog was terminated for some reason.  It has been over 6 months....  I hope we can get on a more regular schedule with a few postings per month at least.  Thanks for reviving this.

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2011
    Very timely. This is just as we are investigating all the BI features in SharePoint 2010.  I could not find any samples in CodePlex.  Are there any out there that I can use to shorten the time explore all features of PerformancePoint? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2011
    Great to hear Jason that there will be weekly content.  Would love to see some in-depth blogging about caching PPS and best practices to warm the cache.   @Dean - Professionalism goes a long way.

  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2011
    Thanks for doing that! Very timely. We are heavily investing in BI, and I am pushing hard so the company will use SharePoint 2010. I have some samples from SP conference back in 2009, but was looking for some newer samples as well. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2011
    Glad you guys are back.  Would love to see more on best practices and things you can do behind the scene like transformations and coding to extend PPS.  Please try to get to weekly posts.

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2011
    @Alan, weekly for sure. And I'll recap what I am doing at TechEd for the Advanced Dashboards and the BI Power Hour sessions when I get back. I'll be covering US Maps with Strategy Maps, complex indicators and using Calculated Metric logic to use indicators in unusual ways as well as connecting up Excel Services, Reporting Services and Web Reports for Dashboards without Analysis Services data sources. I'll sneak in some PowerPivot too!

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2011
    Jason, Can we get some easier how to blogs?  Specifically, we know we always have to do performance management around budget, sales, production and milestones (on time or not.)  I have searched ernestly but cannot find a simple demo of how to do monitoring of budget using a sharepoint list.   Can you please help me find someone to assist?  Basically the source list is very simple record, budgetactual, budget.  Was the record above or under budget and show a kpi.  If it is under it is green, if it is 10% over yellow, if it is 20% or greater over then red.  It seems very simple, but for anyone starting on PPS this is a real hurdle.  Thanks for all you do for the community!

  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2011
    I have a requirement where I want to show a chart from my sharepoint list. The columns in the list are Name,Course,Branch,Date of Joining. I want to show the graph where the number of people who have joined in for a particular branch for a particular month of that year. It dsn't work out for me in the chart webpart because I am not able to get the count . So i exported my list to excel sheet and then with the pivot tables and chart i created seperate sheet with the required chart. Then using performance point I tried to display that chart but on selecting the excel sheet after selecting the document library I'm not getting the sheet name. Can you help me?

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2013
    I have been searching all day on PerformancePoint 2010 to see if there is a way, as someone else asked, to use SharePoint 2010 document library metadata as input for KPI??? I have several imaging doc libs that have client scanned data in them. There are metadata fields like Case ID, Participant ID, Last name, office location, etc. I need to make them a data source. I have another data source view in SQL 2008 to our client management system view with the same information. I need to do some dashboards show percent complete from the Client view to what is scanned in SharePoint. The managers in the locations need reports and such to show by location and counselor what case files are still not scanned and what the percentage of completion they are at. Any help would be very much appreciated. This topic is glaringly missing from MSDN.