Up At Web Directions North

This has been a pretty great few days up here in Vancouver at Web Directions North.  It's been fantastic to connect with so many of you, to get to meet some great people, and hear some good, honest feedback.

I think that biggest comment that I've walked away with so far (and we've still got a day to go), is that people are very glad we're back as a viable browser vendor, and that they appreciate seeing us at events like Web Directions and other conferences where they can actually ask questions and interact with us on a 1:1 level.

Molly Holzschlag did the keynote yesterday talking about crimes against standards that was really interesting and funny.  Towards the end, she asked people to stand up and confess to their crimes.  Although I didn't do mine publically during the keynote, I figure I might as well do it now.  I hosted my frames based site on GeoCities.  Yes, GeoCities.  I feel so dirty.  And I think it might still be there, but do you think I know the user name or password?

I'm looking forward to all the sessions today, there are a few things though that have really peaked my interest.  For example George Oates and Paul Hammond from Flickr and Yahoo! are going to be talking about "Web Apps: From Developer to Designer", which is always something that I've found fascinating.  Then later in the day, Dave Shea and Veerle Pieters are doing a session on the design process.

I've posted my photos from the conference on Flickr, and you can find a few other feeds of photos here and here (both from Flickr).

Off to start the webcast the IE team is doing today....


  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2007
    Thanks for the CC license on your WDN photos; I've used many of your shots on my conference blog post linked above.