TechEd 2004 Monday Day 2

So Today was the first real day of TechEd. SteveB gave the keynote address. The keynote was so full that all of the Microsoft people had to watch from another 'overflow' room via video. It was good. I am most excited by the Visual Studio Team System. This is way cool! I have been working in the cabana areas. The cabana ares are open areas along the side of the comnet room (comnet is where you check your email) The cabans are the 'Meet the Technoligist' areas. People stop by with their questions and we find the correct peroson for them to talk to and the y talk directly with the Program Manager or Developer responsible for that feature. The cabana area is very well light and makes it impossible to hear or see the sessions. The organizers are aware of the problem and are trying to address the issues. It will be a challenge to present in this environment.