Join me at South Florida .NET Code Camp

I just submitted my application to speak at the South Florida .NET Code Camp on a subject I am very passionate about: Microsoft Solutions Framework version 4.0. And what exactly is it that fuels my passion about MSF 4.0? It's all about the thrill of applying your creative energies to impact really hard problems! For all of you developers out there: you know exactly what I'm talking about. Once you've experienced this there is no turning back from the software development profession - it's the most addicting reward there is. Code and methodology are the paint and canvas that capture a developer's creativity. Just as coding languages evolve over time (C to C++ to C#), so do methodologies (CASE to RUP to Agile). MSF 4.0 is breakthrough (in my very humble opinion). It finally bridges the gap between 'framework' and 'methodology' and codifies this in Visual Studio Team System. Brilliant!

Join me for a Clift's Notes version of MSF 4.0 - the bare essentials - at the South Florida .NET Code Camp. Here's my session description:

What’s New in Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) Version 4.0

It is exciting times for Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF). With the Visual Studio team adopting MSF and creating Visual Studio 2005 Team System (VSTS), MSF now has an enhanced foundation (i.e., code-named MSFv4 Core) plus MSF is now embedded within VSTS enabling process automation and guidance. This creates an opportunity to mature solution delivery capabilities throughout the market.

Not only does VSTS/MSFv4 extend MSFv3, but it also introduces two specializations: MSF for Agile Software Development and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement. This session will share with you an overview of MSFv4 Core and MSF Agile.

They should have my session posted soon at the Code Camp site:  There are still a few open slots for speakers - if I can do this, you can too! Sign up!
