Ralph Squillace -- Docs, Samples, Docs, Samples....

Not tech: A quick Italian interlude.

Ah, a vacation. This is just because it's possible. Ten U.S. dollars for the person who figures out...

Date: 08/23/2013

A couple of cross posts here, so I don't lose them: Data Input Validation using the Mobile Services...

Date: 10/24/2012

On the perils of live demos.

Which everyone probably knows, remembering that: Your keyboard currently defaults to French when you...

Date: 06/12/2012

Windows Azure: P & P Enterprise Integration Pack with failure/retry and fine-grained autoscaling APIs (among others)

This release of the Patterns & Practices Enterprise Integration Pack is simply wonderful and is...

Date: 12/04/2011

Free Windows Azure training with Scott Klein in San Francisco, June 13-14.

Hi all. If you're in the Bay Area and want to get up to speed on Windows Azure -- whether you want...

Date: 05/30/2011

Technical Note: Proxy Classes Different when using Svcutil.exe and VS Add Service Reference (doubleclick.com edition)

The WSDL url https://advertisersapi.doubleclick.net/v1.12/api/dfa-api/campaign?wsdl was used by a...

Date: 01/27/2011

Technical Note: Reference to excellent Windows Phone 7 crypto discussion.

Ian Miers has posted the code for doing "good" crypto for static data storage on the phone, but more...

Date: 01/24/2011

How Do I.... Linq directly into an ItemCollection?

I have this: private void LoadSupportSolutionsSection(ItemCollection itemCollection, XElement...

Date: 01/21/2011

Technical Note: Windows Phone 7: Basic Authentication over HTTPS.

A note directly related to the larger blog project started with the last post,...

Date: 01/20/2011

Cloud Data: A Newbie Series --The issues.

It's been an interesting couple of years for me -- I've been assigned to two different projects that...

Date: 01/03/2011

Boundaryless WCF and REST service communication -- The Windows Azure platform AppFabric Service Bus (with Access Control!)

This past month I've been doing some work on the AppFabric Service Bus. It's hard to get a grip on...

Date: 12/29/2009

The Microsoft "Oslo" Base Domain Library (the BDL) -- now not completely in T-SQL!

The Microsoft "Oslo" repository "provides a robust, enterprise-hardened storage location for the...

Date: 06/11/2009

"Oslo" -- SQL Server 2008 includes Express.... Just FYI

It has occurred in the forum (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/oslo/threads) that...

Date: 06/08/2009

OK, this is dumb, but this Bing thing is really great.

Strangely enough, although I love the company I work for, I'm not interested in technologies that we...

Date: 06/03/2009

Microsoft code name "Oslo" -- New Tutorials for the May CTP

I've spent quite a bit of the past two years working on "Oslo" and find it an amazing challenge to...

Date: 05/27/2009

Patterns & Practices: Extremely useful WCF Security Guidance Project How To topics available.

I was recently asked to have a look at some really nice How To topics on WCF security that the...

Date: 04/09/2008

More about Descriptions

I haven't posted for a while because I've been working on other stuff, and much of that work has...

Date: 02/27/2008

The Description Tree Heirarchy

One of the things we didn't get a chance to write as much about as we wanted to by RTM -- but will...

Date: 10/26/2006

Sessionless Duplex Services, Part Two: Lifetimes and Contexts

Two posts ago I wrote the following post about how to build a duplex service and client that does...

Date: 10/19/2006

Quick WCF Metadata Publication Walkthrough

I've been having a conversation with Scott Klein, who is busy writing a book on WCF...

Date: 10/19/2006

Sessionless duplex services? No problem. Small issues, yes; problems, no.

Duplex is neato, definitely, because among other things it allows a service to push information at...

Date: 10/10/2006

Last note on the return of WCF client objects.

It would best be said, in the end, that a client object returns from an operation call (including a...

Date: 10/10/2006

OperationContractAttribute.IsOneWay: One more blocking scenario.

As I mentioned in the previous post, there are scenarios in which one-way operations can block a...

Date: 08/04/2006

OperationContractAttribute.IsOneWay operations aren't simply fire-and-forget.

Although I am responsible for writing a good portion of the programmer documentation for WCF, there...

Date: 08/02/2006

Extending WSDL and Policy, Part 2. Importing custom policy assertions.

Yesterday I outlined how to export custom policy assertions and why you would do such a thing. One...

Date: 07/27/2006

Extending WSDL and Policy, Part 1. Exporting custom policy assertions.

I've been busy for a while trying to update the documentation for all the changes that have happened...

Date: 07/26/2006

Behaviors can't really mess with the contract directly

This is something that tripped me up for a while, so I figure that while I'm dumping little tidbits...

Date: 02/27/2006

WCF February CTP: Tids and Bits. Post 3 -- Dispatchers abound; Behaviors are Runtimes.

I'll prepost this breaking change in the Feb CTP and write more about it later. In a previous post I...

Date: 02/27/2006

WCF February CTP: Tids and Bits. Post 2 -- Svcutil and Client ProtectionLevels

Here's a change that can be meaningful but is not in the Feb CTP breaking change list published...

Date: 02/27/2006

WCF February CTP: Tids and Bits. Post 1 --

So, much has happened. For those who care about what's up in WCFland, there is a ton of new...

Date: 02/27/2006

WCF December CTP: ExtensibilityWriter sample

Hi all. For documentation purposes one of the things I've done is write up a single sample that...

Date: 01/12/2006

WCF December CTP: Header-stuffing from the client and back.

Because there have been a few changes along the path of the product, I thought I'd make it clear how...

Date: 01/10/2006

WCF December CTP: factories, proxies, yet again.

Here's something that I didn't expect. Do people have the same result I do? After the preceding...

Date: 01/10/2006

WCF December CTP: Updated MetadataResolver with new proxies for each endpoint.

The following code fixes the earlier code that I leave posted just to confuse people. (Actually, so...

Date: 01/10/2006

WCF Beta 2 Docs for ServiceThrottlingBehavior

The earlier sample code came from the following thread...

Date: 12/12/2005

WCF Beta 2 Code: ServiceThrottleBehavior in code, config, and custom attribute

I just wrote this quickly for an example for the forum, and I thought I'd post it more completely...

Date: 12/08/2005

Using MetadataResolver to dynamically swap endpoints for a given contract

I've been having a lot of fun recently thinking about how clients can fail to connect to one...

Date: 10/19/2005

Duplex callbacks to a Windows Form

There's nothing fancy about what WCF does to release callbacks on the UI thread -- it just picks up...

Date: 10/19/2005

Missing namespace in the WSDL.exe element when using .NET 2.0 /parameters switch

I have just fixed a bug in the docs in which the xml namespace is left out of the topic for WSDL.exe...

Date: 10/04/2005

Best Support Comment: Steve Swartz on DCOM, .NET Remoting

I just had to mention that when I heard this, I thought I had to post it. At the PDC I fielded so...

Date: 09/20/2005

Top Five Sample Code Requests

The first thing I want to do is take your suggestions for the top five sample code apps that you...

Date: 09/19/2005

Getting started

Hi all. My name is Ralph Squillace, and I'm a programming writer for the Windows Communication...

Date: 09/19/2005