Sydney R user group Meet up: R at Microsoft (with David Smith, formerly Revolution Analytics)

Hear David Smith speak R in The Rocks on June 25th.  Arrive from 5:30pm for for a 6pm talk. There will also be pizza & drinks sponsored by: Hortonworks & Microsoft.

Microsoft recognizes that customers need powerful analytical models to make data-driven decisions, and to be enable data science and analytics practices within organizations. That’s why Microsoft acquired Revolution Analytics in April this year, so that more people can use and benefit from R.

In this talk, I’ll share some announcements about bringing R to the Microsoft platforms, such as Azure HDInsight, Azure Machine Learning and SQL Server. I’ll also describe our ongoing open-source R projects, including Revolution R Open, RHadoop, and DeployR Open, with a special focus on the reproducibility tools we have developed for R.


David Smith is the R Community Lead at Microsoft (which recently acquired Revolution Analytics). With a background in data science, he writes daily about applications of R and predictive analytics at the Revolutions blog (, and is the co-author of “Introduction to R”, the R manual. Follow David on Twitter as @revodavid.

Register for the meet up at -
