Used Windows Live Translator IE8 Accelerator to Translate Web Page

I was looking at the stats for the Word 2007 XAML Converter that I posted last week to CodePlex
and I found a site that I had never heard of before - someone had posted a link to the project.  When I went to the site,, I noticed that it was a French .Net site:

There was a short blog post on the site about the project but it was in French, a language that I speak only as well as Inspector Clouseau.  Luckily, I was browsing in the new Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 which has a new extensibility feature, called accelerators.  Here's the short description of Accelerators

Accelerators let you efficiently complete your everyday browsing activities like mapping directions, translating words, emailing your friends, and more in just a few mouse clicks. Learn more.

That's just what I needed.  I right-clicked on the page and saw Translate with Windows Live as one of the options:

Selecting this option, a new browser tab opened up where I could select the languages (from and to) and Windows Live provided a side-by-side translation of the page.  A cool feature is that when mouse over sentences in one side, I see the translated text on the other side selected as well.  I had to manually select the translation languages.  Looking at the page source, I noticed that it was missing any HTML language attributes so there is no clue as to the actual language without making a guess.  I hope that the accelerator actually looks at the tags to determine the source language.  Can anyone confirm this?  It would be a great feature to have for this accelerator. in French and English

It's not perfect, but very understandable.  The sentence that I like is this: "Une vraie aubaine pour la rédaction des manuels utilisateur avec mise à disposition sur le Web" translates to this in Windows Live English: "A real escheatage for the drafting of user manuals with provision on the Web."  My former English teacher, Bryce Lambert, would have loved that one.

On another note, if anyone wants to help translate the solution into other languages, please contact me to join the project.


  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2008
    I was looking at the stats for the Word 2007 XAML Converter that I posted last week to CodePlex and I