Howto: VB - An example to create a public folder with storage limit settings.

In this example, the following properties are set during the folder creation.
     The warning limit in KB
     Prohibit Post at (KB).
     Maximum item Size (KB)

 When reading and setting certain properties, it’s necessary to use the exchange admin path.  This path  provides special admin privileges.  An Exchange Admin login must be used when using this path.

Private Sub cmdMakeFolder_Click()
    Dim XMLreq As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP40
    Dim sReq As String
    Dim parsePhone As String
    Dim sSourceURL As String
    Set XMLreq = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP40
    sSourceURL = "https:// myexserver /Exadmin/admin/MYDOM.EXTEST.MYCOMP.COM/PUBLIC%20FOLDERS/myfolder"
    ' Note: This URL is broken down as:
    '     myexserver is the Exchange box name
    '     MYDOM.EXTEST.MYCOMP.COM  is the full domain name the Exchange box is in.
    '     Exadmin/admin is a special designation giving the login user higher level privs.
    ' Exchange explorer may/may not need the %20 in PUBLIC%20FOLDERS
    ' The account you use to log in with Must have full blown Exchange admin privs and be
    ' a domain acct.

    ' "MKCOL", sSourceURL, False, "Administrator", "Pxxxx"
          ' If the Exchange is the DC, you probably dont have to specify the DC to login "MKCOL", sSourceURL, False, "mydom\myexserver ", "Pxxxxxxx"
          ' Here Exchange box is not the DC
    XMLreq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    sReq = "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
    sReq = sReq & "<a:propertyupdate xmlns:a='DAV:' xmlns:e='' " & _
    sReq = sReq & "<a:set><a:prop>" & vbCrLf
    sReq = sReq & "<e:outlookfolderclass>IPF.Folder</e:outlookfolderclass>" & vbCrLf   
          ' Folder class for outlook
    sReq = sReq & "<a:contentclass>urn:content-classes:folder</a:contentclass>" & vbCrLf 
          ' Folder content class
    sReq = sReq & "<a:isreadonly>1</a:isreadonly>" & vbCrLf  ' Read only
    sReq = sReq & "<a:ishidden>1</a:ishidden>" & vbCrLf       ' Hidden
     sReq = sReq & "<p:x67790003>1</p:x67790003>" & vbCrLf
          'Use the quotas specified by other properties.
     sReq = sReq & "<e:storagequotaissuewarninglimit>200</e:storagequotaissuewarninglimit>" & vbCrLf
          'Issue warning at (Kb).
     sReq = sReq & "<p:x67210003>1</p:x67210003>" & vbCrLf  'Prohibit post at (Kb).
     sReq = sReq & "<p:x67220003>1</p:x67220003>" & vbCrLf  'Maximum item size (Kb).
    sReq = sReq & "<e:addressbookdisplayname>Something</e:addressbookdisplayname>" & vbCrLf
    sReq = sReq & "</a:prop></a:set></a:propertyupdate>"
    XMLreq.send sReq
    Debug.Print "xmlReq.Status = " & XMLreq.Status
    If XMLreq.Status = "201" Or XMLreq.Status = "207" Then
        MsgBox "The folder has been created.  Status is " & XMLreq.statusText, vbCritical, "Folder Created!!"
        ' Note: Error 405 can mean permissions problem on item already exists.
        MsgBox "The folder has not been created.  Status is " & XMLreq.statusText, vbCritical, " Folder not Created!!"
    End If
End Sub


  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2008
    I have been able to create a folder with WEBDAV. What is the trick to mail enabling that folder?

  • Anonymous
    November 07, 2012
    Hi, Your articules are very interesting. What involve to create a Webdav Server in from scratch? can you tell me the points?, I am new en that I dont know how to start. Thank you so much!