MimeTextMatchCollection.Insert(Int32, MimeTextMatch) Metoda


Dodaje określony MimeTextMatch element do MimeTextMatchCollection określonego indeksu.

 void Insert(int index, System::Web::Services::Description::MimeTextMatch ^ match);
public void Insert (int index, System.Web.Services.Description.MimeTextMatch match);
member this.Insert : int * System.Web.Services.Description.MimeTextMatch -> unit
Public Sub Insert (index As Integer, match As MimeTextMatch)



Indeks oparty na zerze, w którym ma być wstawiony match parametr .


Element MimeTextMatch do dodania do kolekcji.


Parametr index jest mniejszy niż zero.


Parametr index jest większy niż Count.


W poniższym przykładzie pokazano użycie Insert metody .

// Get an instance of 'MimeTextMatchCollection'.
MimeTextMatchCollection^ myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = gcnew MimeTextMatchCollection;
array<MimeTextMatch^>^myMimeTextMatch1 = gcnew array<MimeTextMatch^>(5);
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding1->Matches;
for ( myInt = 0; myInt < 4; myInt++ )
   myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] = gcnew MimeTextMatch;
   myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ]->Name = String::Format( "Title{0}", Convert::ToString( myInt ) );
   if ( myInt != 0 )
      myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ]->RepeatsString = "7";
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Add( myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatch1[ 4 ] = gcnew MimeTextMatch;

// Remove 'MimeTextMatch' instance from collection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Remove( myMimeTextMatch1[ 1 ] );

// Using MimeTextMatchCollection.Item indexer to comapre. 
if ( myMimeTextMatch1[ 2 ] == myMimeTextMatchCollection1[ 1 ] )
   // Check whether 'MimeTextMatch' instance exists. 
   myInt = myMimeTextMatchCollection1->IndexOf( myMimeTextMatch1[ 2 ] );

   // Insert 'MimeTextMatch' instance at a desired position.
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Insert( 1, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1[ 1 ]->RepeatsString = "5";
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Insert( 4, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
// Get an instance of 'MimeTextMatchCollection'.
MimeTextMatchCollection myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = new MimeTextMatchCollection();
MimeTextMatch[] myMimeTextMatch1 = new MimeTextMatch[5];
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding1.Matches;
for( myInt = 0 ; myInt < 4 ; myInt++ )
   myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ]  = new MimeTextMatch();
   myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ].Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString( myInt );
   if( myInt != 0 )
      myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ].RepeatsString = "7";
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Add( myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatch1[4] = new MimeTextMatch();
// Remove 'MimeTextMatch' instance from collection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Remove( myMimeTextMatch1[ 1 ] );
// Using MimeTextMatchCollection.Item indexer to comapre.
if( myMimeTextMatch1[ 2 ] == myMimeTextMatchCollection1[ 1 ] )
   // Check whether 'MimeTextMatch' instance exists.
   myInt = myMimeTextMatchCollection1.IndexOf( myMimeTextMatch1[ 2 ] );
   // Insert 'MimeTextMatch' instance at a desired position.
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert( 1, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1[ 1 ].RepeatsString = "5";
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert( 4, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
' Get an instance of 'MimeTextMatchCollection'.
Dim myMimeTextMatchCollection1 As New MimeTextMatchCollection()
Dim myMimeTextMatch1(4) As MimeTextMatch
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding1.Matches
For myInt = 0 To 3
   myMimeTextMatch1(myInt) = New MimeTextMatch()
   myMimeTextMatch1(myInt).Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString(myInt)
   If myInt <> 0 Then
      myMimeTextMatch1(myInt).RepeatsString = "7"
   End If
Next myInt
myMimeTextMatch1(4) = New MimeTextMatch()
' Remove 'MimeTextMatch' instance from collection.
' Using MimeTextMatchCollection.Item indexer to comapre. 
If myMimeTextMatch1(2) Is myMimeTextMatchCollection1(1) Then
   ' Check whether 'MimeTextMatch' instance exists. 
   myInt = myMimeTextMatchCollection1.IndexOf(myMimeTextMatch1(2))
   ' Insert 'MimeTextMatch' instance at a desired position.
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert(1, myMimeTextMatch1(myInt))
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1(1).RepeatsString = "5"
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert(4, myMimeTextMatch1(myInt))
End If


Jeśli liczba elementów w kolekcji jest już równa pojemności kolekcji, pojemność jest podwajana przez automatyczne przydzielenie tablicy wewnętrznej przed wstawionym nowym elementem.

index Jeśli parametr jest równy Count, match parametr zostanie dodany na końcu .MimeTextMatchCollection

Elementy po punkcie wstawiania są przenoszone w dół, aby pomieścić nowy element.
