Master.PasteSpecial method (Visio)

Inserts the contents of the Clipboard, allowing you to control the format of the pasted information and (optionally) establish a link to the source file (for example, a Microsoft Word document).


expression.PasteSpecial (Format, Link, DisplayAsIcon)

expression A variable that represents a Master object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Format Required Long The internal Clipboard format.
Link Optional Variant True to establish a link to the source of the pasted data; otherwise, False (the default). Ignored if the source data is not suitable for, or does not support, linking.
DisplayAsIcon Optional Variant True to display the pasted data as an icon; otherwise, False (the default).

Return value



To simply paste the contents of the Clipboard into an object, use the Paste method.

The value of the Format argument can be any of the following:

  • A value from VisPasteSpecialCodes (see the following table).

  • Any of the standard Clipboard formats, for example, CF_TEXT. For details, see the Microsoft Platform SDK on MSDN, the Microsoft Developer Network Web site.

  • Any value returned from a call to the RegisterClipboardFormat function. For details, see the Microsoft Platform SDK on MSDN.


Before calling Microsoft Windows functions, you should understand how arguments and data types are handled by the Windows API DLLs. Incorrectly calling Windows functions may result in invalid page faults or other unexpected behaviors. For more information on calling Windows functions, search for "Windows API" on MSDN.

Possible values for Format declared by the Visio type library in VisPasteSpecialCodes are described in the following table.

Constant Value Description
visPasteBitmap 2 Paste bitmap.
visPasteDIB 8 Paste device-independent bitmap.
visPasteEMF 14 Paste enhanced metafile.
visPasteHyperlink 65538 Paste hyperlink.
visPasteInk 65544 Paste Ink data.
visPasteMetafile 3 Paste metafile.
visPasteOEMText 7 Paste OEM text.
visPasteOLEObject 65536 Paste OLE object.
visPasteRichText 65537 Paste rich text.
visPasteText 1 Paste ANSI text.
visPasteURL 65539 Paste Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
visPasteVisioIcon 65543 Paste Visio icon.
visPasteVisioMastersXML 65546 Paste Visio masters XML.
visPasteVisioMasters 65541 Paste Visio masters.
visPasteVisioShapesXML 65545 Paste Visio shapes XML.
visPasteVisioShapesWithoutDataLinks 65548 Paste Visio drawing data without internal data links.
visPasteVisioShapes 65540 Paste Visio shapes.
visPasteVisioText 65542 Paste Visio text.

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