How to: Create a Custom Authorization Policy

The Identity Model infrastructure in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) supports a claim-based authorization model. Claims are extracted from tokens, optionally processed by custom authorization policy, and then placed into an AuthorizationContext that can then be examined to make authorization decisions. A custom policy can be used to transform claims from incoming tokens into claims expected by the application. In this way, the application layer can be insulated from the details on the differing claims served up by the different token types that WCF supports. This topic shows how to implement a custom authorization policy and how to add that policy to the collection of policies used by a service.

To implement a custom authorization policy

  1. Define a new class that derives from IAuthorizationPolicy.

  2. Implement the read-only Id property by generating a unique string in the constructor for the class and returning that string whenever the property is accessed.

  3. Implement the read-only Issuer property by returning a ClaimSet that represents the policy issuer. This could be a ClaimSet that represents the application or a built-in ClaimSet (for example, the ClaimSet returned by the static System property.

  4. Implement the Evaluate method as described in the following procedure.

To implement the Evaluate method

  1. Two parameters are passed to this method: an instance of the EvaluationContext class and an object reference.

  2. If the custom authorization policy adds ClaimSet instances without regard to the current content of the EvaluationContext, then add each ClaimSet by calling the AddClaimSet method and return true from the Evaluate method. Returning true indicates to the authorization infrastructure that the authorization policy has performed its work and does not need to be called again.

  3. If the custom authorization policy adds claim sets only if certain claims are already present in the EvaluationContext, then look for those claims by examining the ClaimSet instances returned by the ClaimSets property. If the claims are present, then add the new claim sets by calling the AddClaimSet method and, if no more claim sets are to be added, return true, indicating to the authorization infrastructure that the authorization policy has completed its work. If the claims are not present, return false, indicating that the authorization policy should be called again if other authorization policies add more claim sets to the EvaluationContext.

  4. In more complex processing scenarios, the second parameter of the Evaluate method is used to store a state variable that the authorization infrastructure will pass back during each subsequent call to the Evaluate method for a particular evaluation.

To specify a custom authorization policy through configuration

  1. Specify the type of the custom authorization policy in the policyType attribute in the add element in the authorizationPolicies element in the serviceAuthorization element.

        <serviceAuthorization serviceAuthorizationManagerType=
                  "Samples.MyServiceAuthorizationManager" >
            <add policyType="Samples.MyAuthorizationPolicy"

To specify a custom authorization policy through code

  1. Create a List of IAuthorizationPolicy.

  2. Create an instance of the custom authorization policy.

  3. Add the authorization policy instance to the list.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each custom authorization policy.

  5. Assign a read-only version of the list to the ExternalAuthorizationPolicies property.

    ' Add custom authorization policy to service authorization behavior.
    Dim policies As List(Of IAuthorizationPolicy) = New List(Of IAuthorizationPolicy)()
    policies.Add(New MyAuthorizationPolicy())
    serviceHost.Authorization.ExternalAuthorizationPolicies = policies.AsReadOnly()
    // Add a custom authorization policy to the service authorization behavior.
    List<IAuthorizationPolicy> policies = new List<IAuthorizationPolicy>();
    policies.Add(new MyAuthorizationPolicy());
    serviceHost.Authorization.ExternalAuthorizationPolicies = policies.AsReadOnly();


The following example shows a complete IAuthorizationPolicy implementation.

Public Class MyAuthorizationPolicy
    Implements IAuthorizationPolicy
    Private id_Value As String
    Public Sub New() 
        id_Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
    End Sub 
    Public Function Evaluate(ByVal evaluationContext As EvaluationContext, ByRef state As Object) As Boolean _
        Implements IAuthorizationPolicy.Evaluate
        Dim bRet As Boolean = False
        Dim customstate As CustomAuthState = Nothing
        ' If the state is null, then this has not been called before, so set up
        ' our custom state.
        If state Is Nothing Then
            customstate = New CustomAuthState()
            state = customstate
            customstate = CType(state, CustomAuthState)
        End If 
        ' If claims have not been added yet...
        If Not customstate.ClaimsAdded Then
            ' Create an empty list of Claims.
            Dim claims as IList (Of Claim) = New List(Of Claim)()
            ' Iterate through each of the claimsets in the evaluation context.
            Dim cs As ClaimSet
            For Each cs In  evaluationContext.ClaimSets
                ' Look for Name claims in the current claimset...
                Dim c As Claim
                For Each c In  cs.FindClaims(ClaimTypes.Name, Rights.PossessProperty)
                    ' Get the list of operations that the given username is allowed to call.
                    Dim s As String
                    For Each s In  GetAllowedOpList(c.Resource.ToString())
                        ' Add claims to the list.
                        claims.Add(New Claim("", s, Rights.PossessProperty))
                        Console.WriteLine("Claim added {0}", s)
                    Next s
                Next c 
            Next cs ' Add claims to the evaluation context.    
            evaluationContext.AddClaimSet(Me, New DefaultClaimSet(Me.Issuer, claims))
            ' Record that claims were added.
            customstate.ClaimsAdded = True
            ' Return true, indicating that this does not need to be called again.
            bRet = True
            ' Should never get here, but just in case...
            bRet = True
        End If
        Return bRet
    End Function
    Public ReadOnly Property Issuer() As ClaimSet Implements IAuthorizationPolicy.Issuer
            Return ClaimSet.System
        End Get
    End Property 
    Public ReadOnly Property Id() As String Implements IAuthorizationPolicy.Id
            Return id_Value
        End Get
    End Property 
    ' This method returns a collection of action strings thet indicate the 
    ' operations the specified username is allowed to call.
        ' Operations the specified username is allowed to call.
    Private Function GetAllowedOpList(ByVal userName As String) As IEnumerable(Of String)
            Dim ret As IList(Of String) = new List(Of String)()
        If username = "test1" Then
        ElseIf username = "test2" Then
        End If
        Return ret
     End Function
    ' internal class for keeping track of state
    Class CustomAuthState
        Private bClaimsAdded As Boolean
        Public Sub New() 
            bClaimsAdded = False
        End Sub 'New
        Public Property ClaimsAdded() As Boolean 
                Return bClaimsAdded
            End Get
                bClaimsAdded = value
            End Set
        End Property 
    End Class 
End Class 
public class MyAuthorizationPolicy : IAuthorizationPolicy
  string id;
  public MyAuthorizationPolicy()
    id =  Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

  public bool Evaluate(EvaluationContext evaluationContext, ref object state)
    bool bRet = false;
    CustomAuthState customstate = null;

    // If the state is null, then this has not been called before so 
    // set up a custom state.
    if (state == null)
      customstate = new CustomAuthState();
      state = customstate;
      customstate = (CustomAuthState)state;

    // If claims have not been added yet...
    if (!customstate.ClaimsAdded)
      // Create an empty list of claims.
      IList<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>();

      // Iterate through each of the claim sets in the evaluation context.
      foreach (ClaimSet cs in evaluationContext.ClaimSets)
        // Look for Name claims in the current claimset.
        foreach (Claim c in cs.FindClaims(ClaimTypes.Name, Rights.PossessProperty))
          // Get the list of operations the given username is allowed to call.
          foreach (string s in GetAllowedOpList(c.Resource.ToString()))
            // Add claims to the list.
            claims.Add(new Claim("", s, Rights.PossessProperty));
            Console.WriteLine("Claim added {0}", s);
      // Add claims to the evaluation context.
      evaluationContext.AddClaimSet(this, new DefaultClaimSet(this.Issuer,claims));
      // Record that claims were added.
      customstate.ClaimsAdded = true;
      // Return true, indicating that this method does not need to be called again.
      bRet = true;
      // Should never get here, but just in case, return true.
      bRet = true;
    return bRet;

  public ClaimSet Issuer
    get { return ClaimSet.System; }
  public string Id
    get { return id; }

  // This method returns a collection of action strings that indicate the 
  // operations the specified username is allowed to call.
  private IEnumerable<string> GetAllowedOpList(string username)
    IList<string> ret = new List<string>();
    if (username == "test1")
      ret.Add ( "http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Add");
      ret.Add ("http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Multiply");
    else if (username == "test2")
      ret.Add ( "http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Add");
      ret.Add ("http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples/ICalculator/Subtract");
    return ret;

  // Internal class for keeping track of state.
  class CustomAuthState
    bool bClaimsAdded;
    public CustomAuthState()
      bClaimsAdded = false;
    public bool ClaimsAdded { get { return bClaimsAdded; } 
    set {  bClaimsAdded = value; } }

See Also



Other Resources

How To: Compare Claims
How To: Create a Custom AuthorizationManager on a Service
Authorization Policy Sample

© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Published: 2010-03-21