How to: Test Size3D Structures for Equality

This example shows how to determine if two Size3D structures are equal using the Size3D static Equals method.

The following code illustrates how to check Size3D structures for equality. The Size3D structures are declared and assigned values. The Equals method is then used to determine if the two structures are equal.


private bool size3DEqualityExample()

    // Checks if two Size3D structures are equal using the static Equals method.  
    // Returns a Boolean. 

    // Declaring Size3D structure without initializing x,y,z values
    Size3D size1 = new Size3D();

    // Delcaring Size3D structure and initializing x,y,z values
    Size3D size2 = new Size3D(5, 10, 15);
    Boolean areEqual;

    // Assigning values to size1
    size1.X = 2;
    size1.Y = 4;
    size1.Z = 6;

    // checking for equality
    areEqual = Size3D.Equals(size1, size2);

    // areEqual is False 
    return areEqual;


See Also


