CComEnum Class

This class defines a COM enumerator object based on an array.

template <
   class Base,
   const IID* piid,
   class T,
   class Copy,
   class ThreadModel = CcomObjectThreadModel
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CComEnum :
   public CComEnumImpl<Base, piid, T, Copy>,
   public CComObjectRootEx< ThreadModel >


  • Base
    A COM enumerator (IEnumXXXX) interface.

  • piid
    A pointer to the interface ID of the enumerator interface.

  • T
    The type of item exposed by the enumerator interface.

  • Copy
    A homogeneous copy policy class.

  • ThreadModel
    The threading model of the class. This parameter defaults to the global object thread model used in your project.


CComEnum defines a COM enumerator object based on an array. This class is analogous to CComEnumOnSTL which implements an enumerator based on an STL container. Typical steps for using this class are outlined below. For more information, see ATL Collections and Enumerators.

To use this class:

  • typedef a specialization of this class.

  • Use the typedef as the template argument in a specialization of CComObject.

  • Create an instance of the CComObject specialization.

  • Initialize the enumerator object by calling CComEnumImpl::Init.

  • Return the enumerator interface to the client.


Header: atlcom.h


The code shown below provides a reusable function for creating and initializing an enumerator object.

template <class EnumType, class ElementType>
HRESULT CreateEnumerator(IUnknown** ppUnk, ElementType* begin, ElementType* end,
   IUnknown* pUnk, CComEnumFlags flags)
   if (ppUnk == NULL)
      return E_POINTER;
   *ppUnk = NULL;

   CComObject<EnumType>* pEnum = NULL;
   HRESULT hr = CComObject<EnumType>::CreateInstance(&pEnum);

   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

   hr = pEnum->Init(begin, end, pUnk, flags);

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      hr = pEnum->QueryInterface(ppUnk);

   if (FAILED(hr))
      delete pEnum;

   return hr;
} // CreateEnumerator

This template function can be used to implement the _NewEnum property of a collection interface as shown below:

typedef CComEnum<IEnumVARIANT, &IID_IEnumVARIANT, VARIANT, _Copy<VARIANT> > VarArrEnum;

class ATL_NO_VTABLE CVariantArrayCollection :
   public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
   public CComCoClass<CVariantArrayCollection, &CLSID_VariantArrayCollection>,
   public IDispatchImpl<IVariantArrayCollection, &IID_IVariantArrayCollection, &LIBID_NVC_ATL_COMLib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>
VARIANT m_arr[3];
    STDMETHOD(get__NewEnum)(IUnknown** ppUnk)
        return CreateEnumerator<VarArrEnum>(ppUnk, &m_arr[0], &m_arr[3], this, 

    // Remainder of class declaration omitted.

This code creates a typedef for CComEnum that exposes a vector of VARIANTs through the IEnumVariant interface. The CVariantArrayCollection class simply specializes CreateEnumerator to work with enumerator objects of this type and passes the necessary arguments.

See Also



CComEnumImpl Class

CComObjectRootEx Class

Other Resources

CComEnum Members

ATL Class Overview