Queries for the ACSCallAutomationMediaSummary table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
Loop play success rate
Calculates the number of success and failures of the play operation when played in loop or not.
| where OperationName == "Play"
| summarize playedInLoopCount=count() by PlayInLoop, ResultType
Play to participant success rate
Calculates the number of success and failures of the play operation when played to a participant or to all.
| where OperationName == "Play"
| summarize playedToCount=count() by PlayToParticipant, ResultType
Recognize success rate
Calculates the number of success and failures of the recognize operation.
| where OperationName == "Recognize"
| summarize recognizeCount=count() by ResultType
Success rate by sub operation name
Calculates the number of success and failures of the recognize operation based on its sub operation name.
| join ACSCallAutomationMediaSummary on OperationId
| where OperationName == "Recognize"
| summarize recognizeCount=count() by SubOperationName, ResultType1
| project SubOperationName, EventResultType = ResultType1, recognizeCount