IXpsFixedPageWriter Interface


Defines methods for writing FixedPage parts to an XPS document.

public interface class IXpsFixedPageWriter : System::Windows::Xps::Packaging::IStoryFragmentProvider
public interface IXpsFixedPageWriter : System.Windows.Xps.Packaging.IStoryFragmentProvider
type IXpsFixedPageWriter = interface
    interface IStoryFragmentProvider
Public Interface IXpsFixedPageWriter
Implements IStoryFragmentProvider


The following example shows how to use the AddFixedPage method to obtain a fixed-page writer for adding pages to an XpsDocument.

// ------------------------- AddDocumentContent ---------------------------
/// <summary>
///   Adds a predefined set of content to a given document writer.</summary>
/// <param name="fixedDocumentWriter">
///   The document writer to add the content to.</param>
void AddDocumentContent (IXpsFixedDocumentWriter^ fixedDocumentWriter)
   // Collection of image and font resources used on the current page.
   //   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
   //   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont resources
   Dictionary<System::String^,List<XpsResource^>^>^ resources;

      // Add Page 1 to current document.
      IXpsFixedPageWriter^ fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter->AddFixedPage();
      // Add the resources for Page 1 and get the resource collection.
      resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter);

      // Write page content for Page 1.
      WritePageContent(fixedPageWriter->XmlWriter, "Page 1 of " + fixedDocumentWriter->Uri->ToString(), resources);
      // Commit Page 1.

      // Add Page 2 to current document.
      fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter->AddFixedPage();

      // Add the resources for Page 2 and get the resource collection.
      resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter);

      // Write page content to Page 2.
      WritePageContent(fixedPageWriter->XmlWriter, "Page 2 of " + fixedDocumentWriter->Uri->ToString(), resources);
      // Commit Page 2.
   } catch (XpsPackagingException^ xpsException)
      throw xpsException;

};// end:AddDocumentContent()
// ------------------------- AddDocumentContent ---------------------------
/// <summary>
///   Adds a predefined set of content to a given document writer.</summary>
/// <param name="fixedDocumentWriter">
///   The document writer to add the content to.</param>
private void AddDocumentContent(IXpsFixedDocumentWriter fixedDocumentWriter)
    // Collection of image and font resources used on the current page.
    //   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
    //   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont resources
    Dictionary<string, List<XpsResource>> resources;

        // Add Page 1 to current document.
        IXpsFixedPageWriter fixedPageWriter =

        // Add the resources for Page 1 and get the resource collection.
        resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter);

        // Write page content for Page 1.
            "Page 1 of " + fixedDocumentWriter.Uri.ToString(), resources);

        // Commit Page 1.

        // Add Page 2 to current document.
        fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage();

        // Add the resources for Page 2 and get the resource collection.
        resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter);

        // Write page content to Page 2.
            "Page 2 of " + fixedDocumentWriter.Uri.ToString(), resources);

        // Commit Page 2.
    catch (XpsPackagingException xpsException)
        throw xpsException;
}// end:AddDocumentContent()
' ------------------------- AddDocumentContent ---------------------------
''' <summary>
'''   Adds a predefined set of content to a given document writer.</summary>
''' <param name="fixedDocumentWriter">
'''   The document writer to add the content to.</param>
Private Sub AddDocumentContent(ByVal fixedDocumentWriter As IXpsFixedDocumentWriter)
    ' Collection of image and font resources used on the current page.
    '   Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont"
    '   Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont resources
    Dim resources As Dictionary(Of String, List(Of XpsResource))

        ' Add Page 1 to current document.
        Dim fixedPageWriter As IXpsFixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage()

        ' Add the resources for Page 1 and get the resource collection.
        resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter)

        ' Write page content for Page 1.
        WritePageContent(fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter, "Page 1 of " & fixedDocumentWriter.Uri.ToString(), resources)

        ' Commit Page 1.

        ' Add Page 2 to current document.
        fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage()

        ' Add the resources for Page 2 and get the resource collection.
        resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter)

        ' Write page content to Page 2.
        WritePageContent(fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter, "Page 2 of " & fixedDocumentWriter.Uri.ToString(), resources)

        ' Commit Page 2.
    Catch xpsException As XpsPackagingException
        Throw xpsException
    End Try
End Sub



Gets a list of strings that identify the LinkTarget hyperlink points that are contained in the current page.


Gets the zero-based page number of this page.


Sets the default printing options for the page.


Gets the URI of the fixed page.


Gets an XmlWriter for writing XML markup to the page.



Adds a new XpsColorContext to the current page.


Adds a new XpsFont to the current page.

AddFont(Boolean, Boolean)

Adds a new obfuscated or restricted XpsFont to the current page.


Adds a new obfuscated XpsFont to the current page.


Adds a new XpsImage with a specified MIME type to the current page.


Adds a new XpsImage with a specified XpsImageType to the current page.

AddResource(Type, Uri)

Adds a new XpsResource to the current page.


Adds a XpsResourceDictionary to the page.


Adds a StoryFragments element to an XPS package.

(Inherited from IStoryFragmentProvider)

Adds a thumbnail image of a specified XpsImageType to the current page.


Flushes and closes the fixed-page writer.

Applies to

See also