Classe OrganizationServiceProxy

Aplica-se a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online

Implements IOrganizationService and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the organization service.

Namespace: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (em Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll)


<SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Security", "CA9881:ClassesShouldBeSealed", Justification:="This class need to be instantiated by clients and be able to derive from it.")> _
Public Class OrganizationServiceProxy
    Inherits ServiceProxy(Of IOrganizationService)
    Implements IOrganizationService
[SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Security", "CA9881:ClassesShouldBeSealed", Justification="This class need to be instantiated by clients and be able to derive from it.")] 
public class OrganizationServiceProxy : ServiceProxy<IOrganizationService>, IOrganizationService


To call the Microsoft Dynamics CRM web service using the IOrganizationService interface, cast the proxy instance to an IOrganizationService type.


This class is not thread safe. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online authentication using the Ambiente do Microsoft Online Services identity provider, including Microsoft Office 365, is supported.

Hierarquia de Herança


Segurança do Thread

Todos os membros estáticos (Shared in Visual Basic) desse tipo são protegidos por thread. Não há nenhum garantia de que os membros de instância sejam protegidos por thread.


Plataformas de desenvolvimento

Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 e

Plataformas de destino

Windows Vista,Windows XP

Change History

Consulte também


Membros de OrganizationServiceProxy
Namespace Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client

Outros recursos

Active Directory and Claims-Based Authentication
Sample: Authenticate Users with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Services
Troubleshooting and Error Handling
Read and Write Data and Metadata using the IOrganizationService Web Service

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