Class |
Description |
CAggDirectDraw |
Deprecated. |
CAggDrawSurface |
Deprecated. |
CAMEvent |
Wrapper class for manual- and auto-reset events. |
CAMMsgEvent |
Wrapper class for event objects that perform message processing. |
CAMSchedule |
Scheduler for reference clocks. |
CAMThread |
Bass class for managing worker threads. |
CAutoLock |
Holds a critical section for the scope of a block. |
CAutoUsingOutputPin |
Obtains and releases access to a CDynamicOutputPin object. |
CBaseAllocator |
Bass class for allocators. |
CBaseBasicVideo |
Handles the IDispatch component of the IBasicVideo interface. |
CBaseControlVideo |
Implements the IBasicVideo interface for a generic video window. |
CBaseControlWindow |
Implements the IVideoWindow interface. |
CBaseDispatch |
Base class for implementing the IDispatch interface. |
CBaseFilter |
Base class for filters. |
CBaseInputPin |
Base class for input pins. |
CBaseList |
Base class for generic lists. |
CBaseMediaFilter |
Implements the IMediaFilter interface. |
CBaseObject |
Base class for implementing DirectShow objects. |
CBaseOutputPin |
Base class for output pins. |
CBasePin |
Base class for pins. |
CBasePropertyPage |
Base class for implementing property pages. |
CBaseReferenceClock |
Implements a reference clock. |
CBaseRenderer |
Base class for implementing renderer filters. |
CBaseStreamControl |
Implements the IAMStreamControl interface. |
CBaseVideoRenderer |
Base class for video renderers. |
CBaseVideoWindow |
Handles the IDispatch component of the IVideoWindow interface. |
CBaseWindow |
Base class for managing windows. |
CBasicAudio |
Handles the IDispatch interface component of the IBasicAudio interface. |
CCmdQueue |
Helper class for implementing the IQueueCommand interface. |
CCritSec |
Provides a thread lock. |
CDeferredCommand |
Implements the IDeferredCommand interface. |
CDispParams |
Wrapper class for the DISPPARAMS structure. |
CDrawImage |
Helper class for drawing to a window. |
CDynamicOutputPin |
Output pin that supports dyanamic reconnections and format changes. |
CEnumMediaTypes |
Enumerator for preferred media types. |
CEnumPins |
Enumerator for pins. |
CFactoryTemplate |
Class that provides information for a class factory. |
CGenericList |
Class template that implements a type-specific list. |
CImageAllocator |
Allocator for DIB sections. |
CImageDisplay |
Helper class for managing image display formats. |
CImagePalette |
Helper class for managing palettes. |
CImageSample |
Media sample that uses DIB sections. |
CLoadDirectDraw |
Deprecated. |
CMediaControl |
Handles the IDispatch methods of the IMediaControl interface. |
CMediaEvent |
Handles the IDispatch methods of the IMediaEvent interface. |
CMediaPosition |
Handles the IDispatch methods of the IMediaPosition interface. |
CMediaSample |
Media sample. |
CMediaType |
Class for managing media types. |
CMemAllocator |
Memory allocator. |
CMsg |
Helper class for managing requests made to a CMsgThread object. |
CMsgThread |
Worker thread that queues requests to the queuing thread for asynchronous completion. |
COARefTime |
Converts reference times between seconds and 100-nanosecond units. |
COutputQueue |
Object that queues media samples for delivery. |
CPersistStream |
Base class for implementing the IPersistStream interface. |
CPosPassThru |
Handles seek commands for filters with one input pin. |
CPullPin |
Helper class that pulls data from an output pin that supports the IAsyncReader interface. |
CQueue |
Class template that implements a simple, statically sized queue. |
CRefTime |
Helper class to manage reference times. |
CRenderedInputPin |
Input pin for renderer filters that support multiple inputs. |
CRendererInputPin |
Input pin for the CBaseRenderer class. |
CRendererPosPassThru |
Handles seek commands for renderer filters. |
CSeekingPassThru |
Helper object that creates CPosPassThru and CRendererPosPassThru objects. |
CSource |
Base class for implementing source filters. |
CSourcePosition |
Abstract class for implementing the IMediaPosition interface. Obsolete. |
CSourceSeeking |
Abstract class for implementing seeking in source filters with one output pin. |
CSourceStream |
Output pin for the CSource class. |
CSystemClock |
System clock. |
CTransformFilter |
Base class for implementing transform filters. |
CTransformInputPin |
Input pin used by the CTransformFilter class. |
CTransformOutputPin |
Output pin used by the CTransformFilter class. |
CTransInPlaceFilter |
Class for implementing transform filters that do not copy data. |
CTransInPlaceInputPin |
Input pin for the CTransInPlaceFilter class. |
CTransInPlaceOutputPin |
Output pin for the CTransInPlaceFilter class. |
CUnknown |
Implements the IUnknown interface. |
CVideoTransformFilter |
Base class for video transform filters. |
Helper class for converting between GUIDs and FOURCCs. |