Propriedade do RDL ForEachEnumeratorDescription

Returns a description for the ForEachSchemaRowsetEnumerator.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Enumerators.ADO
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachADOEnumerator (em Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachADOEnumerator.dll)


Public Shared ReadOnly Property ForEachEnumeratorDescription As String
Dim value As String

value = ForEachSchemaRowsetEnumerator.ForEachEnumeratorDescription
public static string ForEachEnumeratorDescription { get; }
static property String^ ForEachEnumeratorDescription {
    String^ get ();
static member ForEachEnumeratorDescription : string
static function get ForEachEnumeratorDescription () : String

Valor da propriedade

Tipo: System. . :: . .String
A String that contains the enumerator description.


This property is useful to display in the user interface when there is a user interface associated with the task.