Método Initialize (Boolean)

Inicializa o objeto e força o carregamento das propriedades.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (em Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Function Initialize ( _
    allProperties As Boolean _
) As Boolean
Dim instance As SqlSmoObject
Dim allProperties As Boolean
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = instance.Initialize(allProperties)
public bool Initialize(
    bool allProperties
bool Initialize(
    bool allProperties
member Initialize : 
        allProperties:bool -> bool 
public function Initialize(
    allProperties : boolean
) : boolean


  • allProperties
    Tipo: System. . :: . .Boolean
    Um valor Boolean que especifica se todos os valores de propriedade devem ser carregados.
    Se True, os valores de propriedade serão carregados. Caso contrário, o valor será False.

Valor de retorno

Tipo: System. . :: . .Boolean
Um valor Boolean que especifica se o objeto foi inicializado com êxito.
Se True, o objeto terá sido inicializado com êxito. Caso contrário, o valor será False.


This method initializes an object and loads its properties. SMO does not automatically load all the properties when the object is constructed. Whether the property is loaded initially depends on the IsExpensive property and the default initialization fields. Otherwise, properties are loaded automatically when they are specifically referenced in the code, or when the Initialize method is called.

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