Propriedade do RDL Database.MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize

Gets the maximum size of the redo queue of the mirror server instance in KB.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (em Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<SfcPropertyAttribute(SfcPropertyFlags.Standalone)> _
Public ReadOnly Property MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize As Integer 
Dim instance As Database 
Dim value As Integer 

value = instance.MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize
public int MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize { get; }
property int MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize {
    int get ();
member MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize : int
function get MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize () : int

Valor da propriedade

Tipo: System.Int32
A Int32 value that specifies maximum size of the redo queue of the mirror server instance in KB.


The redo queue includes the log records waiting to be rolled forward on the mirror database. By default, the size of the redo queue is unlimited. You can specify the property on the principal server only.

Consulte também


Database Classe

Namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo