Método Sequence.Grant (ObjectPermissionSet, array<String , Boolean)

Grants access to the specified permission to the grantees and the ability to grant access to other users on the sequence

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (em Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Sub Grant ( _
    permission As ObjectPermissionSet, _
    granteeNames As String(), _
    grantGrant As Boolean _
Dim instance As Sequence 
Dim permission As ObjectPermissionSet 
Dim granteeNames As String()
Dim grantGrant As Boolean

instance.Grant(permission, granteeNames, _
public void Grant(
    ObjectPermissionSet permission,
    string[] granteeNames,
    bool grantGrant
virtual void Grant(
    ObjectPermissionSet^ permission, 
    array<String^>^ granteeNames, 
    bool grantGrant
) sealed
abstract Grant : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeNames:string[] * 
        grantGrant:bool -> unit  
override Grant : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeNames:string[] * 
        grantGrant:bool -> unit
public final function Grant(
    permission : ObjectPermissionSet, 
    granteeNames : String[], 
    grantGrant : boolean


  • granteeNames
    Tipo: array<System.String[]
    A String array that specifies a list of grantees to be denied the specified set of permissions.
  • grantGrant
    Tipo: System.Boolean
    A Boolean property that specifies whether the grantees are given the ability to grant the specified set of permissions to other users on the Sequence.


IObjectPermission.Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean)

Consulte também


Sequence Classe

Sobrecarregado Grant

Namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo