Método AgentProfile.AddParameter

Adds a parameter to the replication agent profile.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (em Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public Sub AddParameter ( _
    name As String, _
    value As String _
Dim instance As AgentProfile 
Dim name As String 
Dim value As String

instance.AddParameter(name, value)
public void AddParameter(
    string name,
    string value
void AddParameter(
    String^ name, 
    String^ value
member AddParameter : 
        name:string * 
        value:string -> unit
public function AddParameter(
    name : String, 
    value : String



Exceção Condição

When the profile represented by the object does not exist on the server.


When the name parameter is nulluma referência nula (Nothing no Visual Basic), contains nulluma referência nula (Nothing no Visual Basic) characters, or is longer than 128-Unicode characters.

When the value parameter is nulluma referência nula (Nothing no Visual Basic), contains nulluma referência nula (Nothing no Visual Basic) characters or is longer than 255-Unicode characters.


The parameter name and value are validated by the server. The profile must exist on the server before parameters can be added. Call EnumParameters to get the parameters that are currently defined for the profile.

The AddParameter method can be called only by a member of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Distributor. AddParameter is equivalent to executing sp_add_agent_parameter (Transact-SQL).

Consulte também


AgentProfile Classe

Namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication

Outros recursos

Trabalhar com perfis de agente de replicação (programação RMO)