Como: Criar menus do Office por programação
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Este exemplo cria um menu chamado do novo menu na barra de menus no Microsoft Office Excel 2003.O novo menu é colocado antes no menu de Ajuda.Ele contém um comando de menu.Quando o comando de menu é clicado, texto é inserido em uma célula em Sheet1.
Para obter um exemplo de como personalizar a interface do usuário no Microsoft Office Word 2003, consulte Como: Criar barras de ferramentas do Office por programação e Demonstra Passo a passo: Criar menus de atalho para Favoritos.
Adicione o seguinte código à classe ThisWorkbook:
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Você deve definir o Propriedade Tag de seus controles quando você Adicionar manipuladores de eventos.Office usa a propriedade Tag para controlar manipuladores de eventos para um determinado CommandBarControl.Se a propriedade Tag estiver em branco, os eventos não são tratados corretamente. |
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declare seus variáveis de menu na classe nível em vez de dentro do método onde eles são chamados.Isso garante que as variáveis de menu permanecerá no escopo desde que o aplicativo seja Executando.Caso contrário, o item é removido pelo lixo coleção, e o código do manipulador de eventos pára de trabalho. |
' Declare the menu variable at the class level.
Private WithEvents menuCommand As Office.CommandBarButton
Private menuTag As String = "A unique tag"
' Call AddMenu from the Startup event of ThisWorkbook.
Private Sub ThisWorkbook_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Me.Startup
End Sub
' If the menu already exists, remove it.
Private Sub CheckIfMenuBarExists()
Dim foundMenu As Office.CommandBarPopup = _
Me.Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.FindControl( _
Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, System.Type.Missing, menuTag, True, True)
If foundMenu IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
' Create the menu, if it does not exist.
Private Sub AddMenuBar()
Dim menuBar As Office.CommandBar = Application.comm.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar
Dim menuCaption As String = "Ne&w Menu"
If menuBar IsNot Nothing Then
Dim cmdBarControl As Office.CommandBarPopup = Nothing
Dim controlCount As Integer = menuBar.Controls.Count
' Add the new menu.
cmdBarControl = CType(menuBar.Controls.Add( _
Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, Before:=controlCount, Temporary:=True), _
cmdBarControl.Caption = menuCaption
' Add the menu command.
menuCommand = CType(cmdBarControl.Controls.Add( _
Type:=Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Temporary:=True), _
With menuCommand
.Caption = "&New Menu Command"
.Tag = "NewMenuCommand"
.FaceId = 65
End With
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
' Add text to cell A1 when the menu is clicked.
Private Sub menuCommand_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton, _
ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles menuCommand.Click
Globals.Sheet1.Range("A1").Value2 = "The menu command was clicked."
End Sub
// Declare the menu variable at the class level.
private Office.CommandBarButton menuCommand;
private string menuTag = "A unique tag";
// Call AddMenu from the Startup event of ThisWorkbook.
private void ThisWorkbook_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// If the menu already exists, remove it.
private void CheckIfMenuBarExists()
Office.CommandBarPopup foundMenu = (Office.CommandBarPopup)
Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, System.Type.Missing, menuTag, true, true);
if (foundMenu != null)
catch (Exception ex)
// Create the menu, if it does not exist.
private void AddMenuBar()
Office.CommandBarPopup cmdBarControl = null;
Office.CommandBar menubar = (Office.CommandBar)Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar;
int controlCount = menubar.Controls.Count;
string menuCaption = "&New Menu";
// Add the menu.
cmdBarControl = (Office.CommandBarPopup)menubar.Controls.Add(
Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, missing, missing, controlCount, true);
if (cmdBarControl != null)
cmdBarControl.Caption = menuCaption;
// Add the menu command.
menuCommand = (Office.CommandBarButton)cmdBarControl.Controls.Add(
Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, missing, missing, missing, true);
menuCommand.Caption = "&New Menu Command";
menuCommand.Tag = "NewMenuCommand";
menuCommand.FaceId = 65;
menuCommand.Click += new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(
catch (Exception e)
// Add text to cell A1 when the menu is clicked.
private void menuCommand_Click(Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton Ctrl, ref bool CancelDefault)
Globals.Sheet1.Range["A1", missing].Value2 = "The menu command was clicked.";
Consulte também
Como: Criar barras de ferramentas do Office por programação
Demonstra Passo a passo: Criar menus de atalho para Favoritos
Personalização de IU do Office
Noções básicas sobre parâmetros opcionais in Office Solutions