basic_string::append (STL Samples)
Illustrates how to use the basic_string::append Standard Template Library (STL) function in Visual C++.
string& append(
const basic_string& _X
string& append(
const basic_string& _X,
size_type pos,
size_type count
string& append(
const element_type *_S,
size_type count
string& append(
const element_type *_S
string& append(
size_type count,
element_type _C
string& append(
Iterator first,
Iterator last
The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.
The append member functions of the basic_string::append elements to the end of the string. The different forms of the function provide alternate ways to specify the source of the elements that will be appended. The append functions return a reference to the string to which the elements were appended.
// bsappend.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Functions:
// string::append - appends a sequence of elements to the
// current string.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main()
string str1("012");
string str2("345");
cout << "str1 = " << str1.c_str() << endl;
// append str2 to str1
cout << "str1 = " << str1.c_str() << endl;
// append the last 2 items in str2 to str1
str2 = "567";
str1.append(str2, 1, 2); // begin at pos 1, append 2 elements
cout << "str1 = " << str1.c_str() << endl;
// append the first 2 items from an array of the element type
char achTest[] = {'8', '9', 'A'};
str1.append(achTest, 2);
cout << "str1 = " << str1.c_str() << endl;
// append all of a string literal to str1
char szTest[] = "ABC";
cout << "str1 = " << str1.c_str() << endl;
// append one item of the element type
str1.append(1, 'D');
cout << "str1 = " << str1.c_str() << endl;
// append str2 to str1 using iterators
str2 = "EF";
str1.append (str2.begin(), str2.end());
cout << "str1 = " << str1.c_str() << endl;
str1 = 012
str1 = 012345
str1 = 01234567
str1 = 0123456789
str1 = 0123456789ABC
str1 = 0123456789ABCD
str1 = 0123456789ABCDEF
Header: <string>