Evento CustomTaskPane.DockPositionChanged
Ocorre quando o usuário altera a posição de encaixe do painel de tarefas personalizado ou código altera o valor da DockPosition propriedade.
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Tools
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common (em Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.dll)
Event DockPositionChanged As EventHandler
event EventHandler DockPositionChanged
O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra um manipulador de eventos para o DockPositionChanged de evento. Esse manipulador de evento altera a disposição horizontal ou vertical dos controles no painel de tarefas, modificando o FlowDirection propriedade de um FlowLayoutPanel no painel de tarefas. Este exemplo de código pressupõe que o painel de tarefas contém um UserControl chamado MyUserControle o UserControl contém um FlowLayoutPanel chamado FlowPanel. Este exemplo é parte de um exemplo maior fornecido para CustomTaskPane.
Private Sub myCustomTaskPane_DockPositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles myCustomTaskPane.DockPositionChanged
Dim taskPane As Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane = _
TryCast(sender, Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane)
If taskPane IsNot Nothing Then
' Adjust sizes of user control and flow panel to fit current task pane size.
Dim userControl As MyUserControl = TryCast(taskPane.Control, MyUserControl)
Dim paneSize As System.Drawing.Size = _
New System.Drawing.Size(taskPane.Width, taskPane.Height)
userControl.Size = paneSize
userControl.FlowPanel.Size = paneSize
' Adjust flow direction of controls on the task pane.
If taskPane.DockPosition = _
Office.MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionTop Or _
taskPane.DockPosition = _
Office.MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionBottom Then
userControl.FlowPanel.FlowDirection = _
userControl.FlowPanel.FlowDirection = _
End If
End If
End Sub
private void myCustomTaskPane_DockPositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane taskPane =
sender as Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane;
if (taskPane != null)
// Adjust sizes of user control and flow panel to fit current task pane size.
MyUserControl userControl = taskPane.Control as MyUserControl;
System.Drawing.Size paneSize = new System.Drawing.Size(taskPane.Width, taskPane.Height);
userControl.Size = paneSize;
userControl.FlowPanel.Size = paneSize;
// Adjust flow direction of controls on the task pane.
if (taskPane.DockPosition ==
Office.MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionTop ||
taskPane.DockPosition ==
userControl.FlowPanel.FlowDirection =
userControl.FlowPanel.FlowDirection =
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