DiagramClientView Class
This is an IMS-based design surface which is capable of rendering any IMS Diagram.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Diagrams.10.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Diagrams.10.0.dll)
Public Class DiagramClientView _
Inherits Control
public class DiagramClientView : Control
public ref class DiagramClientView : public Control
type DiagramClientView =
inherit Control
public class DiagramClientView extends Control
The DiagramClientView type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DiagramClientView | Initializes a new instance of the DiagramClientView class. |
Name | Description | |
AccessibilityObject | Gets the AccessibleObject assigned to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | Gets or sets the default action description of the control for use by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleDescription | Gets or sets the description of the control used by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleName | Gets or sets the name of the control used by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleRole | Gets or sets the accessible role of the control (Inherited from Control.) | |
ActiveMouseAction | Gets or sets the active mouse action for this DiagramClientView. | |
AllowDrop | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Anchor | Gets or sets the edges of the container to which a control is bound and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Inherited from Control.) | |
AutoScrollOffset | Gets or sets where this control is scrolled to in ScrollControlIntoView. (Inherited from Control.) | |
AutoSize | Infrastructure. This property is not relevant for this class. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackColor | Gets or sets the background color for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image displayed in the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackgroundImageLayout | Gets or sets the background image layout as defined in the ImageLayout enumeration. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BindingContext | Gets or sets the BindingContext for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Bottom | Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Bounds | Gets or sets the size and location of the control including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CanEnableIme | Gets a value indicating whether the ImeMode property can be set to an active value, to enable IME support. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CanFocus | Gets a value indicating whether the control can receive focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CanRaiseEvents | Determines if events can be raised on the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CanSelect | Gets a value indicating whether the control can be selected. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Capture | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control has captured the mouse. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CausesValidation | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control causes validation to be performed on any controls that require validation when it receives focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientRectangle | Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientSize | Gets or sets the height and width of the client area of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CompanyName | Gets the name of the company or creator of the application containing the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. (Inherited from Component.) | |
ContainsFocus | Gets a value indicating whether the control, or one of its child controls, currently has the input focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenu | Gets or sets the shortcut menu associated with the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuStrip | Gets or sets the ContextMenuStrip associated with this control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Controls | Gets the collection of controls contained within the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Created | Gets a value indicating whether the control has been created. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateParams | Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Cursor | (Note: Override the cursor in the MouseAction-derived classes or ShapeElement-derived classes instead.) (Overrides Control.Cursor.) | |
DataBindings | Gets the data bindings for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultCursor | Gets or sets the default cursor for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultImeMode | Gets the default Input Method Editor (IME) mode supported by the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultMargin | Gets the space, in pixels, that is specified by default between controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultMaximumSize | Gets the length and height, in pixels, that is specified as the default maximum size of a control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultMinimumSize | Gets the length and height, in pixels, that is specified as the default minimum size of a control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultPadding | Gets the internal spacing, in pixels, of the contents of a control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultSize | Gets the default size of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DesignMode | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. (Inherited from Component.) | |
Diagram | Gets or sets the Diagram object associated with this DiagramClientView. | |
DisplayRectangle | Gets the rectangle that represents the display area of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Disposing | Gets a value indicating whether the base Control class is in the process of disposing. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Dock | Gets or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DoubleBuffered | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer to reduce or prevent flicker. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DpiX | Display resolution X in dots per inch. MAY BE STALE if display resolution has changed since last call to UpdateRatios (via W2D/D2W calls). It is likely not to have changed and good enough for most purposes (creation was for bump-scrolling) as it avoids creating another graphics as does GetWorldUnitsPerDeviceUnits. | |
DpiY | Display resolution X in dots per inch. MAY BE STALE if display resolution has changed since last call. Likely not and good enough for most purposes as it avoids creating another graphics. | |
DropTargetFeedback | Gets a DropTargetFeedback object which provides the drag feedback. By modifying this object, drag feedback can be altered. | |
Enabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Events | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. (Inherited from Component.) | |
Focused | Gets a value indicating whether the control has input focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Font | Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontHeight | Gets or sets the height of the font of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Handle | Gets the window handle that the control is bound to. (Inherited from Control.) | |
HasChildren | Gets a value indicating whether the control contains one or more child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
HighlightedShapes | Gets the highlighted shapes for the DiagramClientView. | |
HorizontalScrollPosition | Gets or sets the horizontal scroll position in scroll units. | |
ImeMode | Gets or sets the Input Method Editor (IME) mode of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ImeModeBase | Gets or sets the IME mode of a control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokeDragDropTarget | The shape that InvokeDragDrop() will drop onto, or null if there is no drop target. | |
InvokeRequired | Gets a value indicating whether the caller must call an invoke method when making method calls to the control because the caller is on a different thread than the one the control was created on. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsAccessible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is visible to accessibility applications. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsDisposed | Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsHandleCreated | Gets a value indicating whether the control has a handle associated with it. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsMirrored | Gets a value indicating whether the control is mirrored. (Inherited from Control.) | |
LayoutEngine | Gets a cached instance of the control's layout engine. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Left | Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Location | Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Margin | Gets or sets the space between controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MaximumHorizontalScrollRange | Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range in scroll units. This is not the maximum scroll position. | |
MaximumSize | Gets or sets the size that is the upper limit that GetPreferredSize can specify. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MaximumVerticalScrollRange | Gets or sets the upper limit of values of the scrollable range in scroll units. This is not the maximum scroll position. | |
MaximumZoom | Gets the maximum zoom allowed. | |
MinimumHorizontalScrollRange | Gets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range in scroll units. | |
MinimumSize | Gets or sets the size that is the lower limit that GetPreferredSize can specify. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MinimumVerticalScrollRange | Gets the lower limit of values of the scrollable range in scroll units. | |
MinimumZoom | Gets the minimum zoom allowed. | |
MouseHoverDelay | Gets or sets the amount to delay the raising of the shape MouseHover event. Units are in milliseconds. | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Padding | Gets or sets padding within the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Parent | Gets or sets the parent container of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PreferredSize | Gets the size of a rectangular area into which the control can fit. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProductName | Gets the product name of the assembly containing the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProductVersion | Gets the version of the assembly containing the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RecreatingHandle | Gets a value indicating whether the control is currently re-creating its handle. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Region | Gets or sets the window region associated with the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RenderRightToLeft | Obsolete. This property is now obsolete. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResizeRedraw | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control redraws itself when resized. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Right | Gets the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RightToLeft | Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ScaleChildren | Gets a value that determines the scaling of child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ScrollPageSize | Gets the number of scroll units to scroll for scrolling a page. | |
ScrollUnitsPerMouseWheel | Gets the number of scroll units to scroll for each mouse wheel event. | |
Selection | Gets the selection for the DiagramClientView. | |
ShadowBitmap | Gets the ShadowBitmap associated with this design surface. | |
ShowFocusCues | Gets a value indicating whether the control should display focus rectangles. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ShowKeyboardCues | Gets a value indicating whether the user interface is in the appropriate state to show or hide keyboard accelerators. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Site | Gets or sets the site of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Size | Gets or sets the height and width of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabIndex | Gets or sets the tab order of the control within its container. (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabStop | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Tag | Gets or sets the object that contains data about the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
TakeFocusOnDragOver | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control should take the focus on a DragOver event. | |
Text | Gets or sets the text associated with this control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Top | Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from Control.) | |
TopLevelControl | Gets the parent control that is not parented by another Windows Forms control. Typically, this is the outermost Form that the control is contained in. (Inherited from Control.) | |
UseWaitCursor | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the wait cursor for the current control and all child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
VerticalScrollPosition | Gets or sets the vertical scroll position in scroll units. | |
ViewBounds | Gets the bounds of the viewport in world units relative to the top-left of the Diagram. | |
ViewLocation | Gets the top-left corner of the viewport relative to the top-left of the Diagram in world units. | |
ViewSize | Gets the size of the viewport in world units. | |
Visible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
WindowTarget | Infrastructure. This property is not relevant for this class. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ZoomFactor | Gets the scaling factor. |
Name | Description | |
AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents, Int32) | Notifies the accessibility client applications of the specified AccessibleEvents for the specified child control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents, Int32, Int32) | Notifies the accessibility client applications of the specified AccessibleEvents for the specified child control . (Inherited from Control.) | |
BeginInvoke(Delegate) | Executes the specified delegate asynchronously on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BeginInvoke(Delegate, array<Object[]) | Executes the specified delegate asynchronously with the specified arguments, on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BringToFront | Brings the control to the front of the z-order. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CanTranslateToCommand | Returns a value indicating whether the key translates to a command. | |
Contains | Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified control is a child of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateAccessibilityInstance | Creates a new accessibility object for this control. (Overrides Control.CreateAccessibilityInstance().) | |
CreateControl | Forces the creation of the visible control, including the creation of the handle and any visible child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateControlsInstance | Creates a new instance of the control collection for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateGraphics | Creates the Graphics for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateHandle | Creates a handle for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateObjRef | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
DefWndProc | Sends the specified message to the default window procedure. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DestroyHandle | Destroys the handle associated with the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DeviceToWorld(Point) | Converts a point in device units to world units using the view's current zoom factor. The device units are relative to the DiagramClientView's top-left. The world units are relative to the diagram's top-left. | |
DeviceToWorld(Rectangle) | Converts a rectangle in device units to world units using the view's current zoom factor. The device units are relative to the DiagramClientView's top-left. The world units are relative to the diagram's top-left. | |
DeviceToWorld(Size) | Converts a size in device units to world units using the view's current zoom factor. | |
DeviceToWorld(Size, Single) | Converts a size in device units to world units using the specified zoom factor. | |
DisableBumpScrolling | Disables bump scrolling. | |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the Component. (Inherited from Component.) | |
Dispose(Boolean) | Releases all resources, managed and unmanaged, related to this class. (Overrides Control.Dispose(Boolean).) | |
DoDragDrop | Begins a drag-and-drop operation. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DrawToBitmap | Supports rendering to the specified bitmap. (Inherited from Control.) | |
EnableBumpScrolling | Enables bump scrolling after the specified initial delay in milliseconds. | |
EndInvoke | Retrieves the return value of the asynchronous operation represented by the IAsyncResult passed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
EnsureVisible(RectangleD) | Ensures that the specified rectangle is visible in the view. Based on VisiblePreference setting for the Diagram, the RectangleD will be brought into view. ZoomOut may be used to fit the RectangleD iff MinimalScrollWithNoZoom VisiblePreference is not selected for this Diagram. Scrolling may be used to fit the RectangleD and depending on the VisiblePreference setting selected for the diagram, either the center of the Rectangle will be brought into view center or minimal scrolling that is required to bring the Rectangle into view will be done. | |
EnsureVisible(ICollection<ShapeElement>) | Ensures that the specified shapes are visible in the view. This may require changes to the scroll positions and to the zoom. | |
EnsureVisible(RectangleD, DiagramClientView.EnsureVisiblePreferences) | Ensures that the specified rectangle is visible in the view. This may require changes to the scroll positions and to the zoom. | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Component.) | |
FindForm | Retrieves the form that the control is on. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Focus | Sets input focus to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetAccessibilityObjectById | Retrieves the specified AccessibleObject. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetAutoSizeMode | Retrieves a value indicating how a control will behave when its AutoSize property is enabled. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetChildAtPoint(Point) | Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetChildAtPoint(Point, GetChildAtPointSkip) | Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates, specifying whether to ignore child controls of a certain type. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetContainerControl | Returns the next ContainerControl up the control's chain of parent controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetLifetimeService | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
GetNextControl | Retrieves the next control forward or back in the tab order of child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetNudgeHorizontalDelta | The horizontal amount (in world units) by which a nudge operation can move a shape. | |
GetNudgeVerticalDelta | The vertical amount (in world units) by which a nudge operation can move a shape. | |
GetPotentialMouseAction | Retrieves the potential mouse action that should be made active on the very next MouseDown event if the MouseDown event occurs at the specified point. | |
GetPreferredSize | Retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetScaledBounds | Retrieves the bounds within which the control is scaled. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetService | Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. (Inherited from Component.) | |
GetStyle | Retrieves the value of the specified control style bit for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetTopLevel | Determines if the control is a top-level control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Hide | Conceals the control from the user. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InitializeLifetimeService | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
InitLayout | Called after the control has been added to another container. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate() | Invalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Region) | Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Boolean) | Invalidates a specific region of the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Rectangle) | Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Region, Boolean) | Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Rectangle, Boolean) | Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvalidateRectangle | Invalidates the specified rectangle in world units. | |
Invoke(Delegate) | Executes the specified delegate on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invoke(Delegate, array<Object[]) | Executes the specified delegate, on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle, with the specified list of arguments. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokeDragDrop | Invokes a DragDrop of the supplied DragEventArgs onto the currently selected Shape. | |
InvokeGotFocus | Raises the GotFocus event for the specified control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokeLostFocus | Raises the LostFocus event for the specified control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokeOnClick | Raises the Click event for the specified control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokePaint | Raises the Paint event for the specified control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokePaintBackground | Raises the PaintBackground event for the specified control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsInputChar | Determines if a character is an input character that the control recognizes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsInputKey | Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. (Overrides Control.IsInputKey(Keys).) | |
ManuallyRouteSelection | ManuallyRoute the line segment of the primary LinkShape in the selection. | |
MemberwiseClone() | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
NotifyInvalidate | Infrastructure. Raises the Invalidated event with a specified region of the control to invalidate. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Nudge | Repositions the selected shapes by the specified delta in world units. | |
NudgeDown | Moves the selection down. | |
NudgeLeft | Moves the selection left. | |
NudgeRight | Moves the selection right. | |
NudgeUp | Moves the selection up. | |
OnAutoSizeChanged | Raises the AutoSizeChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnBackColorChanged | Raises the BackColorChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnBackgroundImageChanged | Raises the BackgroundImageChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged | Raises the BackgroundImageLayoutChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnBindingContextChanged | Raises the BindingContextChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnCausesValidationChanged | Raises the CausesValidationChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnChangeUICues | Raises the ChangeUICues event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnClick | Dispatches the Click event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnClick(EventArgs).) | |
OnClientSizeChanged | Raises the ClientSizeChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnContextMenuChanged | Raises the ContextMenuChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnContextMenuRequested | Raises the ContextMenuRequested event. | |
OnContextMenuStripChanged | Raises the ContextMenuStripChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnControlAdded | Raises the ControlAdded event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnControlRemoved | Raises the ControlRemoved event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnCreateControl | Raises the CreateControl method. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnCursorChanged | Raises the CursorChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDockChanged | Raises the DockChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDoubleClick | Dispatches the DoubleClick event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnDoubleClick(EventArgs).) | |
OnDragDrop | Dispatches the DragDrop event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs).) | |
OnDragDropCancelled | Reset the toolbox on dragdrop cancel | |
OnDragDropCommon | Called on a DragDrop. | |
OnDragEnter | (Overrides Control.OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs).) | |
OnDragLeave | Dispatches the DragLeave event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnDragLeave(EventArgs).) | |
OnDragOver | Dispatches the DragOver event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnDragOver(DragEventArgs).) | |
OnElementEventsEnded | Called when element events have ended. | |
OnElementEventsEnding | Called when element events are ending. | |
OnEnabledChanged | Raises the EnabledChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnEnter | Raises the Enter event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnFontChanged | Raises the FontChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnForeColorChanged | Raises the ForeColorChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnGiveFeedback | The GiveFeedback event allows the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. (Overrides Control.OnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs).) | |
OnGotFocus | Overridden. (Overrides Control.OnGotFocus(EventArgs).) | |
OnHandleCreated | Raises the HandleCreated event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnHandleDestroyed | Raises the HandleDestroyed event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnHelpRequested | Raises the HelpRequested event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnImeModeChanged | Raises the ImeModeChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnInvalidated | Raises the Invalidated event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnKeyDown | Dispatches the KeyDown event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs).) | |
OnKeyPress | Dispatches the KeyDown event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs).) | |
OnKeyUp | Dispatches the KeyUp event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs).) | |
OnLayout | Raises the Layout event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnLeave | Raises the Leave event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnLocationChanged | Raises the LocationChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnLostFocus | Overridden. (Overrides Control.OnLostFocus(EventArgs).) | |
OnMarginChanged | Raises the MarginChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseCaptureChanged | Raises the MouseCaptureChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseClick | Raises the MouseClick event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseDoubleClick | Raises the MouseDoubleClick event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseDown | Dispatches the MouseDown event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMouseEnter | Dispatches the MouseEnter event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnMouseEnter(EventArgs).) | |
OnMouseHover | Raises the MouseHover event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseLeave | Dispatches the MouseLeave event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnMouseLeave(EventArgs).) | |
OnMouseMove | Dispatches the MouseMove event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMouseUp | Dispatches the MouseUp event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMouseWheel | Dispatches the MouseWheel event to the appropriate diagram objects. (Overrides Control.OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMove | Raises the Move event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnNotifyMessage | Notifies the control of Windows messages. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnPaddingChanged | Raises the PaddingChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnPaint | Paints the control. (Overrides Control.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs).) | |
OnPaintBackground | Paints the background of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentBackColorChanged | Raises the BackColorChanged event when the BackColor property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged | Raises the BackgroundImageChanged event when the BackgroundImage property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentBindingContextChanged | Raises the BindingContextChanged event when the BindingContext property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentChanged | Raises the ParentChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentCursorChanged | Raises the CursorChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentEnabledChanged | Raises the EnabledChanged event when the Enabled property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentFontChanged | Raises the FontChanged event when the Font property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentForeColorChanged | Raises the ForeColorChanged event when the ForeColor property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentRightToLeftChanged | Raises the RightToLeftChanged event when the RightToLeft property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentVisibleChanged | Raises the VisibleChanged event when the Visible property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnPreviewKeyDown | Raises the PreviewKeyDown event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnPrint | Raises the Paint event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnQueryContinueDrag | Raises the QueryContinueDrag event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnRegionChanged | Raises the RegionChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnResize | Raises the resize event. Resets the diagram's ShadowBitmap. (Overrides Control.OnResize(EventArgs).) | |
OnRightToLeftChanged | Raises the RightToLeftChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnSizeChanged | Raises the SizeChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnStyleChanged | Raises the StyleChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnSystemColorsChanged | Raises the SystemColorsChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTabIndexChanged | Raises the TabIndexChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTabStopChanged | Raises the TabStopChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTextChanged | Raises the TextChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnValidated | Raises the Validated event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnValidating | Raises the Validating event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnVisibleChanged | Raises the VisibleChanged event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PerformLayout() | Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PerformLayout(Control, String) | Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PointToClient | Computes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PointToScreen | Computes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PreProcessControlMessage | Preprocesses keyboard or input messages within the message loop before they are dispatched. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PreProcessMessage | Catch a couple of messages before translation. (Overrides Control.PreProcessMessage(Message%).) | |
ProcessCmdKey | Processes a command key. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessDialogChar | Processes a dialog character. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessDialogKey | Processes a dialog key. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessKeyEventArgs | Processes a key message and generates the appropriate control events. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessKeyMessage | Processes a keyboard message. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessKeyPreview | Previews a keyboard message. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessMnemonic | Processes a mnemonic character. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RaiseDragEvent | Infrastructure. Raises the appropriate drag event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RaiseKeyEvent | Infrastructure. Raises the appropriate key event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RaiseMouseEvent | Infrastructure. Raises the appropriate mouse event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RaisePaintEvent | Infrastructure. Raises the appropriate paint event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RecreateHandle | Forces the re-creation of the handle for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RectangleToClient | Computes the size and location of the specified screen rectangle in client coordinates. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RectangleToScreen | Computes the size and location of the specified client rectangle in screen coordinates. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Refresh | Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetBackColor | Resets the BackColor property to its default value. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetBindings | Causes a control bound to the BindingSource to reread all the items in the list and refresh their displayed values. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetCursor | Resets the Cursor property to its default value. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetFont | Resets the Font property to its default value. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetForeColor | Resets the ForeColor property to its default value. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetImeMode | Resets the ImeMode property to its default value. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetMouseEventArgs | Infrastructure. Resets the control to handle the MouseLeave event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetRightToLeft | Resets the RightToLeft property to its default value. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetText | Resets the Text property to its default value. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResizeDown | Resizes the selected shapes by increasing its height. | |
ResizeLeft | Resizes the selected shapes by decreasing its width. | |
ResizeRight | Resizes the selected shapes by increasing its width. | |
ResizeSelection | Resizes the shapes in the selection | |
ResizeUp | Resizes the selected shapes by decreasing its height. | |
ResumeLayout() | Resumes usual layout logic. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResumeLayout(Boolean) | Resumes usual layout logic, optionally forcing an immediate layout of pending layout requests. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateAlignment(HorizontalAlignment) | Converts the specified HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateAlignment(LeftRightAlignment) | Converts the specified LeftRightAlignment to the appropriate LeftRightAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateAlignment(ContentAlignment) | Converts the specified ContentAlignment to the appropriate ContentAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateContent | Converts the specified ContentAlignment to the appropriate ContentAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateHorizontal | Converts the specified HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateLeftRight | Converts the specified LeftRightAlignment to the appropriate LeftRightAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Scale(Single) | Obsolete. Scales the control and any child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Scale(SizeF) | Scales the control and all child controls by the specified scaling factor. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Scale(Single, Single) | Obsolete. Scales the entire control and any child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ScaleControl | Scales a control's location, size, padding and margin. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ScaleCore | Infrastructure. This method is not relevant for this class. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ScrollDown | Scrolls the view down. | |
ScrollHorizontally | Scrolls horizontally by the number of scroll units specified. | |
ScrollLeft | Scrolls the view left. | |
ScrollRight | Scrolls the view right. | |
ScrollTo | Scrolls such that the specified point of the diagram becomes the top-left point of the view. The point is in world units relative to the top-left of the diagram. | |
ScrollUp | Scrolls the view up. | |
ScrollVertically | Scrolls vertically by the number of scroll units specified. | |
Select() | Activates the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Select(Boolean, Boolean) | Activates a child control. Optionally specifies the direction in the tab order to select the control from. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SelectNextControl | Activates the next control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SendToBack | Sends the control to the back of the z-order. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetAutoSizeMode | Sets a value indicating how a control will behave when its AutoSize property is enabled. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Sets the bounds of the control to the specified location and size. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, BoundsSpecified) | Sets the specified bounds of the control to the specified location and size. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetBoundsCore | Performs the work of setting the specified bounds of this control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetClientSizeCore | Sets the size of the client area of the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetStyle | Sets a specified ControlStyles flag to either true or false. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetTopLevel | Sets the control as the top-level control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetVisibleCore | Sets the control to the specified visible state. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetZoomFactor | Zooms in or out around a specified point in the diagram. The coordinates are in world units and relative to the diagram's top-left. Optionally, the view center can be moved to the zoom center. | |
Show | Displays the control to the user. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ShowError | Displays the specified error message. | |
ShowToolTip | Shows the tooltip of the currently focused item, if any. | |
SizeFromClientSize | Determines the size of the entire control from the height and width of its client area. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SuspendLayout | Temporarily suspends the layout logic for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ToString | Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. (Inherited from Component.) | |
TranslateToCommand | Invokes a command | |
Update | Causes the control to redraw the invalidated regions within its client area. (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateBounds() | Updates the bounds of the control with the current size and location. (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Updates the bounds of the control with the specified size and location. (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Updates the bounds of the control with the specified size, location, and client size. (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateStyles | Forces the assigned styles to be reapplied to the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateZOrder | Updates the control in its parent's z-order. (Inherited from Control.) | |
WndProc | Processes Windows messages (Overrides Control.WndProc(Message%).) | |
WorldToDevice(PointD) | Converts a point in world units to device units using the view's current zoom factor. The point returned is relative to the DiagramClientView's top-left. | |
WorldToDevice(RectangleD) | Converts a rectangle in world units to device units using the view's current zoom factor. The rectangle returned is relative to the DiagramClientView's top-left. | |
WorldToDevice(SizeD) | Converts a size in world units to device units using the view's current zoom factor. | |
WorldToDevice(SizeD, Single) | Converts a size in world units to device units using the specified zoom factor. | |
ZoomAtViewCenter | Zooms in or out around the center point of the current view. | |
ZoomIn | Increases the ZoomFactor. | |
ZoomInAt | Zooms in, keeping the specified point at the same device coordinates after zoom. | |
ZoomOut | Decreases the ZoomFactor. | |
ZoomOutAt | Zooms out, keeping the specified point at the same device coordinates after zoom. | |
ZoomToFit() | Zooms in or out to show the entire diagram as large as possible. | |
ZoomToFit(RectangleD) | Zooms to show the portion of the diagram given by the specified rectangle. |
Name | Description | |
AutoSizeChanged | Infrastructure. This event is not relevant for this class. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackColorChanged | Occurs when the value of the BackColor property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackgroundImageChanged | Occurs when the value of the BackgroundImage property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged | Occurs when the BackgroundImageLayout property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
BindingContextChanged | Occurs when the value of the BindingContext property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CausesValidationChanged | Occurs when the value of the CausesValidation property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ChangeUICues | Occurs when the focus or keyboard user interface (UI) cues change. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Click | Occurs when the control is clicked. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientSizeChanged | Occurs when the value of the ClientSize property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuChanged | Occurs when the value of the ContextMenu property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuRequested | Occurs when the control's context menu has been requested. | |
ContextMenuStripChanged | Occurs when the value of the ContextMenuStrip property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ControlAdded | Occurs when a new control is added to the Control.ControlCollection. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ControlRemoved | Occurs when a control is removed from the Control.ControlCollection. (Inherited from Control.) | |
CursorChanged | Occurs when the value of the Cursor property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DiagramAssociated | Event fired after a diagram is associated with the client view | |
DiagramDisassociating | Event fired before a diagram is disassociated with the client view | |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose method. (Inherited from Component.) | |
DockChanged | Occurs when the value of the Dock property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double-clicked. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragDrop | Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragEnter | Occurs when an object is dragged into the control's bounds. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragLeave | Occurs when an object is dragged out of the control's bounds. (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragOver | Occurs when an object is dragged over the control's bounds. (Inherited from Control.) | |
EnabledChanged | Occurs when the Enabled property value has changed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Enter | Occurs when the control is entered. (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontChanged | Occurs when the Font property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ForeColorChanged | Occurs when the ForeColor property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GiveFeedback | Occurs during a drag operation. (Inherited from Control.) | |
GotFocus | Occurs when the control receives focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
HandleCreated | Occurs when a handle is created for the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
HandleDestroyed | Occurs when the control's handle is in the process of being destroyed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
HelpRequested | Occurs when the user requests help for a control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ImeModeChanged | Occurs when the ImeMode property has changed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidated | Occurs when a control's display requires redrawing. (Inherited from Control.) | |
KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
KeyPress | Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Layout | Occurs when a control should reposition its child controls. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Leave | Occurs when the input focus leaves the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
LocationChanged | Occurs when the Location property value has changed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
LostFocus | Occurs when the control loses focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MarginChanged | Occurs when the control's margin changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseCaptureChanged | Occurs when the control loses mouse capture. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseClick | Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseDoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseDown | Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseHover | Occurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseUp | Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released. (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseWheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Move | Occurs when the control is moved. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PaddingChanged | Occurs when the control's padding changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Paint | Occurs when the control is redrawn. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ParentChanged | Occurs when the Parent property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
PreviewKeyDown | Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control. (Inherited from Control.) | |
QueryAccessibilityHelp | Occurs when AccessibleObject is providing help to accessibility applications. (Inherited from Control.) | |
QueryContinueDrag | Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RegionChanged | Occurs when the value of the Region property changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Resize | Occurs when the control is resized. (Inherited from Control.) | |
RightToLeftChanged | Occurs when the RightToLeft property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ScrollPositionChanged | Occurs when the value of either the HorizontalScrollPosition property or VerticalScrollPosition property changes. | |
ScrollRangeChanged | Occurs when the value of either the MaximumHorizontalScrollRange property or MaximumVerticalScrollRange property changes. | |
SizeChanged | Occurs when the Size property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
StyleChanged | Occurs when the control style changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
SystemColorsChanged | Occurs when the system colors change. (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabIndexChanged | Occurs when the TabIndex property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabStopChanged | Occurs when the TabStop property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
TextChanged | Occurs when the Text property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Validated | Occurs when the control is finished validating. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Validating | Occurs when the control is validating. (Inherited from Control.) | |
VisibleChanged | Occurs when the Visible property value changes. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ZoomChanged | Occurs when the the value of the ZoomFactor property changes. |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
IDropTarget.OnDragDrop | Infrastructure. Raises the DragDrop event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IDropTarget.OnDragEnter | Infrastructure. Raises the DragEnter event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IDropTarget.OnDragLeave | Infrastructure. Raises the DragLeave event. (Inherited from Control.) | |
IDropTarget.OnDragOver | Infrastructure. Raises the DragOver event. (Inherited from Control.) |
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.