Depuração e interpretando erros no criador de WPF
The WPF Designer for Visual Studio provides full debugging support for your WPF controls and applications. If errors occur, various tools and resources are available to interpret and correct the errors.
Nesta seção
Solucionando problemas de falhas de carga de WPF e Silverlight Designer
Describes how to diagnose common issues that can occur when you author a custom design-time for WPF controls.XAML Erros e Ajuda
Describes the Error List window and how to get help on XAML errors that appear in the WPF Designer.Depuração e interpretando erros Walkthroughs
Contains links to topics that describe how to debug and interpret runtime errors in the WPF Designer.Erro de mensagem referência para o WPF Designer
Contains links to topics that describe XAML errors that appear in the WPF Designer.O carregamento de designer visual foi cancelado
Describes the message that appears in the WPF Designer when you cancel loading a XAML file.O elemento raiz do documento não oferece suporte para o designer visual
Describes the message that appears in the WPF Designer when you open a XAML file without any visual objects.O documento contém erros que devem ser corrigidos
Describes the message that appears in the WPF Designer when a XAML file contains an error.Ocorreu um exceção sem-tratamento
Describes the message that appears in the WPF Designer when a XAML file accesses code that contains an exception.
Represents the exception class for parser-specific exceptions.ExceptionRoutedEventArgs
Provides data for the Image and MediaElement failed events.DispatcherUnhandledException
Occurs when code executing by way of the Dispatcher raises an exception which is not handled.
Seções relacionadas
Solucionando problemas de falhas de carga de WPF e Silverlight Designer
Describes procedures for understanding unexpected behavior in your custom designer code.XAML no WPF
Contains links to topics that describe how to use XAML markup to define your WPF controls and applications.Namespace XAML (x:) Recursos da linguagem
Contains links to topics that describe elements and attributes in the XAML namespace.Extensões do WPF XAML
Contains links to topics that describe XAML markup extensions.Janela de lista de erros
Describes how errors, warnings, and messages are displayed in the Error List window.Assistente de exceção
Describes the Exception Assistant dialog box, which you can use to interpret runtime exceptions.Depuração no Visual Studio
Contains links to topics that describe how to use Visual Studio to debug applications.Tratamento de Exceção (Depuração)
Describes how to use the error handling features of Visual Studio to interpret runtime exceptions.