Layouts no criador de WPF
The WPF Designer for Visual Studio provides many panels and controls to help you achieve the layout you want for your applications. This section contains topics that help you create absolute, dynamic, and data-driven dynamic layouts.
Nesta seção
Layout com absoluto e dinâmica posicionamento
Discusses types of layouts, layout panels and controls, dynamic sizing, and auto and star sizing.Como: Criar um layout com base no posicionamento absoluto
Describes how you can use panel controls to support absolute positioning in the WPF Designer.Como: Criar um layout dinâmico
Describes how you can use panel controls to support dynamic positioning in the WPF Designer.Como: Criar um layout dinâmico - controlado por data
Describes how you can use view controls to support data-driven layouts in the WPF Designer.Como: criar aplicativos User-Resizable com GridSplitter
Describes how to use the GridSplitter control to create resizable applications.Como: Trabalhar com caixas de diálogo
Contains links to information about how to work with dialog boxes in the WPF Designer.Walkthroughs de layout
Contains links to topics that walk you step-by-step through the procedures to create different layouts in the WPF Designer.
Seções relacionadas
Alinhamento no WPF Designer
Describes how the WPF Designer helps you with the alignment and layout of controls for the user interface.Controles contêiner
Contains links to topics that describe the various container controls and their uses.Trabalhando com o designer WPF
Contains links to topics that describe how to use and work with the WPF Designer.UseLayoutRounding
Especifica quando o pixel integral de não-valores que são calculados durante a Measure e Arrange passagens são arredondadas para valores de pixel inteiro.